32) Bad Situation

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I headed back up to my room after training all evening. I left my door open to let in more cool air even though I opened my window to get the cool night air to come in. I turned on my ceiling fan to cuz I needed a cool down after sweating so much. I kicked my shoes off, took my socks off, and took my shirt off so I was left in my yoga pants and sports bra. I threw myself on my bed, my feet dangling off the edge, as I enjoyed the suddenly low temperature. I pulled out my phone and answered the few text messages I had, then pulled up some fan fiction to read. Jubilee got me hooked on this great fan fiction website that has an endless amount of stories. It's dangerous cuz I could be on here for hours if I didn't limit myself! "What are you doing?" someone asked, looming in my doorway. I sat up to see who it was and slumped back down.

"What do you want?" I asked. 

"Why so icy? Did I do something?" 

"More like what you haven't done. Pyro, you haven't talked to me in over a month and now you suddenly want to be my friend again? It doesn't work like that," I told him, now sitting on the edge of my bed. I put my phone back in my top night stand drawer, knowing this would take more than a minute or two to handle. 

"Why not? We could start over," Pyro said, walking into my room. I shook my head. 

"I don't think so."

"Why?" he demanded, "Any why is your room so damn cold? You're gonna make someone sick."

"Oh, I think you do a fine job of that on your own," I shot back at him as I flipped the switch to turn my ceiling fan off. "Sorry, that was a little harsh," I realized. 

"No, you're right, I'm not soft like other people are, but why does that stop you from wanting me?"

"I don't want you and I don't want any part of you Pyro. The only thing I want from you is for you to get out," I told him authoritatively. 

"You know, I kinda like your chill. How do you know if you don't want something if you've never tried to let it in?" he asked quietly, coming closer to me and running a hand down my arm. "You might find you like my kind of fire," he said, starring into my eyes with a sly look on his face as he looked me up down. 

"You're disgusting," I said. 

"Is that so?"

"I told you to get out and I suggest you do it before anything happens," I warned.

"Or what, you'll hurt me with your powers? You know, it's against the rules for a student to use their powers against another student unless they're training," he reminded me. 

"The Professor and the teachers aren't here to know about it," I pushed back. He thought about this for a minute, then an unnerving smile crossed his face. 

"You're right, but they also wouldn't know if I did this," he said pulling my body to his. I stepped on his foot as hard as I could and kicked his shin. He let go of me immediately and I hurried to my window to see how far the drop was. I figured if I calculated it correctly, I could make an ice ramp to slide down and melt it as I slid off so he couldn't follow me. I didn't get a chance to start out before Pyro's arm drug me back. "So you wanna play rough huh? I can do that," he said. Throwing me down on my bed. Ok, now I was scared. 

"Let me go!" I yelled. 

"I'm not done with you yet," he said, trapping my arms and positioning himself in a way that I couldn't get up. I had had enough and there was 2 ways I could get out of this, so I decided to go with plan A. I let out all the bottled up heat from being angry at him, letting it seep into my skin. "AHHH!" he screamed in pain when he felt my skin burn up, releasing his hold on me. I tried to get up an kick him off, but he caught my leg and pulled it hard towards him so now I was close to him again. "Trying to escape?" SNIKT!!! 

"Let...her...go," Wolverine said through gritted teeth. Pyro looked like he was petrified to the spot and I used it to my advantage to get free. I flung myself behind Logan, hugging him from behind so Pyro couldn't try anything. "I don't know what you have against people when they ask for their space and to be left alone, but you picked the wrong girl to mess with bub."

"I was just...we were just..." Pyro stammered, looking for an explanation. 

"You have exactly tens seconds to get out of this room or so help me I'm going to hurt you so bad to the point you won't be able to use your powers again," Logan threatened. 

"That's not fair! The Professor wouldn't-"

"He's not here and he left me in charge, so you have to play by my rules now. You've already wasted about half your time, do you really wanna know what these can do?" Pyro ran out the door and down the stairs before anyone could say anything worse. "Are you ok?" Logan asked, pulling me from behind him. 

"Yes...no," I started to tear up, "I don't know," I finally said as I started to cry a little and buried my face in his chest. I heard Logan's claws go away as he wrapped his arms around me. 

"It's ok Anna, he's gone now. Nobody can hurt you," he said soothingly, rubbing a hand up and down my back. I calmed down surprisingly quick, but my face was a teary mess. "Hey," Logan said gently, lifting my chin to meet his gaze, "I said I would protect you," he reminded me, wiping the rest of my tears away. I couldn't help but smile and gave a small laugh. 

"I remember," I told him, helping to wipe the tears. Logan looked at me and sighed. 

"Are you really going to be ok?" 

"I don't know, this has never happened to me before," I whispered. Logan looked me in the eyes, captivating me with how hazel green his eyes really were. He started to lean in and I got butterflies in my stomach. His timing couldn't have been better. I found myself leaning in to and soon, our lips met in a sweet, comforting, reassuring kiss. At first, it was slow, but then Logan untied my hair so he could out his hand through it. I smiled into the kiss and pulled him closer as our kiss turned more aggressive. I pulled away after a few minutes, leaving both of us gasping for air. Logan pulled out of my arms and ran a hand through his hair. 

"I should go," he said, turning to leave. 

"Please don't go," I begged, putting a hand on his big bicep. Logan turned back around to look down at me. "Can you stay? I'd sleep a lot better know you were here close by in case something else were to happen."

"Ok, I'll stay," Logan agreed closing the door and locking it. We climbed into my bed, going to separate sides with our backs to each other. I gently brushed my lips with the tips of my fingers that were still tingling from our kiss and smiled. I could feel Logan shifting around on the bed and all of a sudden, I felt his big arm wrapping around me, pulling my waist to his back. "Goodnight," he whispered in my ear, his warm breath sending tickles down my spine. I put my arm over his, intertwining my hand with his, and gave it a light squeeze as I started to fall asleep. 

Beautiful Claws by: Tauriel RogersWhere stories live. Discover now