7) Clearing The Air

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Like Candice had warned, there were a bunch of stupid rumors going around that fueled a bunch of gossip. It got so bad that Lily had to step up for herself and Chris. We were in Physics on Friday and one of the girls working next to us was whispering with her lab partner. "Did you hear about the party last week?"

"Yeah, I heard Skylar hooked up with Melissa," the other said.

"It was more than them that hooked up."

"Really? Who?" the friend asked all too interested.

"Lily and Chris."


"Oh yes, I heard that someone walked in on them while they were having sex."

"Well I heard that Mark and Anna are dating now."

"Do you think they're a good couple? They're from two completely different groups that don't typically get along."

"He's probably only dating her so he can keep his grades good enough to play baseball." It took everything in me not to go over there and yell in their faces, but Lily couldn't contain her anger. She slammed down her notebook and threw her safety goggles onto the counter.

"Ms. Rogers, is there a problem back there?" our teacher asked.

"Yes, yes there is," Lily answered moodily as she walked up to the front of the classroom. "I need to make something very clear," she started, "Until Skylar says that he's dating Melissa, don't listen to what Melissa has to say because everything that comes out of her mouth are conceited lies. Anna and Mark aren't a couple, they only shared a game of pool at Melissa's party and even though he kissed her, that doesn't mean they're a couple because guess what people? Anna doesn't even like Mark, in fact she doesn't even know him. For everyone who thinks Chris and I had sex, that is a lie; Anna walked in on us making out, nothing more, nothing less and yes, Chris and I are dating and very happy together. Hope your happy and spread the word," Lily explained haughtily in a hurry. The whole classroom was silent and even our teacher was baffled.

"Well, there you have it. No need to be making up stories about things that you don't know about," out teacher concluded, going back to grading our tests from last week. Everyone went back to working on our lab and it remained quiet, with minimal talk unless it was directly related to the assignment.

All of the populars whispered and laughed as Lily and I walked into P.E. like they'd done everyday this week. I was running during our mile when I heard someone panting more so than usual behind me. I turned my head to see that Candice was desperately trying to catch up to me. I slowed down and waited until she was next to me before I kept my steady pace. "There's something I think you should know about everything that happened at the party," Candice said.

"Like I haven't heard it all from everyone already," I grumbled.

"No, seriously Anna, you have to know! It wasn't Skylar who kissed Melissa."

"I know, but he didn't try to stop her either," I argued.

"That's not true! Skylar was drunk, like really drunk and Melissa took her opportunity. She told Mark to distract you and make sure that you saw what happened," Candice informed me. I stopped in my tracks as realization hit me.

"So Sky wasn't lying when he told me that he was drunk," I thought aloud. "I should've listened to him! Oh man, he must think I'm such a horrible person!"

"It's ok, you two can talk it out and everything will be fine," Candice reassured me.

"As for your friends, when they couldn't find you or Skylar, they just assumed that the two of you were together and Lily was tired and wanted to sleep, but was too stubborn to get a ride home with Chris. So, they found an empty room and Lily had planned on sleeping, but well, you know what happened from there," Candice explained.  I sighed.

Beautiful Claws by: Tauriel RogersWhere stories live. Discover now