21) Wolverine

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"I'm so  happy he's back!" Rogue exclaimed when we all gathered around for dinner.

"Why? The guy is kinda an ass from what I've heard from Scott," Pyro asked. We all looked at Rogue for an answer.

"Wolverine isn't all that bad," she said, "Once you get to know him," she mumbled.

"I don't know, he seems like a cool dude to me," Iceman told us.

"He's been gone awhile and honestly, until Anna showed up, it was pretty boring without him around," Jubilee admitted, slouching on her hand.

"So...he's been gone awhile then?" I asked.

"A few months," Pyro answered. I raised my eyebrows, surprised that someone could be gone for that long.

"Is he a student?" I asked.

"He's certainly not a teacher," Pyro pointed out.

"He doesn't attend classes like the rest of us do," Jubilee added.

"Interesting," I commented. I was dumping my dishes in the wash tray and when I looked up, my eyes met with Wolverine's, who had just walked in. His intense gaze took my breath away, my eyes not faltering when he made his way through the crowd to the kitchen.

I wanted to get in some more training and practice my fire abilities. The multipurpose training room was empty accept for a few people. I claimed a corner and set up my area. I set the medium sized frozen chunk of ice on the small table and put my arms out in front of me. I closed my eyes and focused. I thought of the anger from the night of the dance, but tried to control it with the sadness of losing Sky to balance out my emotions. I slowly opened my eyes and smiled when I saw the ice gently melt in front of me. I didn't completely turn it to liquid, keeping it in a gel like state. I was having fun with it when I heard a voice behind me.

"Looks like you've mastered it," Pyro said. My concentration was thrown off and the gel state turned to solid ice again, but kept it's squiggly shape.

"I don't need your help with training tonight," I said coolly, collecting my things.

"Why such a bad mood?" Pyro questioned me, following at my heels.

"I don't need you following me around like some sick puppy! I understand you care about me, but you don't have to be so overprotective. I can take care of myself!" I shouted, my voice echoing in the hallway. "You are my training partner and that's it," I reminded him.

"But I thought we were friends."

"We only hang out outside of training because you're friends with Iceman."

"He's your other training partner, isn't he? What makes me so different?"

"You're the one who can't seem to leave me alone and give me enough space and at least Bobby isn't trying to chase after me. Do I honestly have to spell it out for you? I don't feel the same way ok? I don't like you like that Pyro and the sooner you get that through your head, the better," I told him, walking away.

"Anna, please don't be mad at me about this," he said, following me to outside of the gym.

"Maybe you didn't hear me when I said that I need you to leave me alone," I raised my voice, earning several stares from people entering and exiting the gym.

"Anna, I just-"

"Is there a problem here?" an authoritative voice asked from behind me.

"No, Pyro was just leaving," I said curtly. Pyro looked hurt, but slowly turned around and obliged. I watched him walk away until he turned towards the fire training room. I turned around to thank the guy that helped me. "Thanks for helping me, you know you really didn't..." I paused when I was met with the intense gaze of Wolverine, "have to," I quietly finished. I took a step back when I realized how close we were to each other.

"What's with you two?" he asked.

"He um, he sorta like me," I said nervously.

"I take it you don't feel he same?"

"No," I laughed, "Not at all. He's got a dark streak in him that makes him unpredictable and I don't like that. He's too...too not what I want. At my old school, he's the kind of guy I would stay away from," I explained.

"If he gives you trouble, let me know," he offered.

"Thank you Wolverine," I gave a small smile.

"It's Logan actually," he said holding his hand out to shake. Logan has big, calloused hands compared to my small soft ones.

"Anna," I introduced, shaking his hand.

"See you around," Logan said.

"Yeah," I agreed under my breath. I watched him walk away, rooted to my spot in awe.

"Why are you staring off into space?" Kitty asked. I snapped out of it.

"No reason at all," I answered, quickly walking into the gym and getting busy with some yoga.

"I finally met Wolverine!" I told Jubilee the next day in science.

"Is he as scary and intimidating as I said he was?" she asked interested.

"He was when he scared Pyro off for me, but after that, he seemed nice enough," I explained. "He's so tall and does he always look that fierce?"

"Always, but after awhile you learn you can joke around with him a little bit, but beware of his sarcasm," Jubilee informed me.

"Will do."


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