15) New Friends

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I woke up to the sound of a loud rumbling that continued to get louder and louder. I rolled over and grunted as I stood up and wiped my tired eyes. I pulled the curtains back, my eyes bulging when I saw a black jet coming in to land on the basketball court. To my astonishment, the court ground opened up to allow the jet to land underground. I wiped both my eyes to make sure I was seeing things correctly, but my eyes weren't cheating me. "This place is weird," I thought to myself. I quickly made my bed and began dumping all of my clothes from my luggage onto my bed. I sorted through everything and decided on a blue shirt, jeans, and black sneakers. I combed my hair and headed down for breakfast. I remembered Scott's directions last night and found the kitchen without an issue. I followed the sound of people and the smell of food. It looked like the kitchen was set up buffet style, so I got in line and grabbed my plate, napkin, and silverware. I tried not to make eye contact with anyone and keep to myself as best as I could. I heard an excited conversation behind me and since I was still stuck next to the plates, I thought it would be nice of me to pass a few plates back to them.

"Hey, thanks!" the guy said happily and went back to the conversation he was having with the girl. "Wait, um, excuse me," he lightly tapped my shoulder, "Are you new here?" he asked when I turned around.

"Yes, I only got here last night. Today is my first day," I told him.

"I'm Bobby and this is my girlfriend Rogue," he introduced himself and the girl.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you," she smiled as she shook my hand. Bobby was a little taller than me with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Rogue had straight long brown hair that had a white streak through her bangs, about my height, and was dressed kinda gothic with black gloves.

"I'm Anna," I introduced myself.

"Why don't you sit with us and our friends?" Rogue suggested.

"Sure," I nodded with a grateful smile. I piled my plate with 3 waffles, strawberries, and a glass of orange juice.

"Hi guys! So this is Anna, she's new and today is her first day," Rogue announced after we sat down at a table.

"I'm Kitty," the girl that looked like a freshie in High School introduced.

"HEY ICEMAN!" someone from behind us called. Bobby looked past me.

"WHAT'S UP?" he called back.

"COULD YOU COOL DOWN MY DRINK?" Bobby nodded and a bottle of apple juice was thrown past me. Bobby opened the cap and blew on it with his breath looking as if it was cold and a thin layer of ice immediately formed on the outside of the bottle. He screwed the cap back on and threw it back at the person behind us.

"Why did they call you Ice Man?" I asked.

"Oh, that's my power, ice," Bobby answered matter of factly. I gave a small nod, feeling dumb for not piecing it together myself.

"I can walk through walls and almost anything really," Kitty told me.

"Wow!" I exclaimed.

"I can absorb other people's powers and use them for myself for a short amount of time. The sensation for the other person hurts the first time if they aren't expecting it. I can't always control my power, so I wear gloves to protect myself from others," Rogue explained.

"Oh," I said quietly with worry in my eyes.

"But you don't have to worry, I'd never do anything to you unless it was an emergency or something," she quickly reassured me.

"What is your power?" Kitty asked.

"I um, I'm not entirely sure what all of my powers are, but I also have ice powers. At my old school, my best friend and I joked that I had Elsa powers," I admitted. Everyone chuckled at that.

Beautiful Claws by: Tauriel RogersWhere stories live. Discover now