10) The Announcement

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"It was just like you said, I woke up and I'm completely fine. If anything, I feel ten times better than I did yesterday," I told Sky, who had called me before school started to make sure I was ok.

"Good! See? I told you things would be better!"

"I know! Wait, how  did you know it would be fine by morning?" I asked, curiously.

"I've had several friends, myself included, that have felt really weird and crappy one day and been fine the next," he told me.

"Thanks for checking up on me, but I really need to get ready or else I'll be late."

"In that case, I'll see you in P.E." Sky hung up.

"Guess what guess what guess wha-at?!" Candice sang song while we were playing bad minton in P.E.

"What? Did Danny ask you out yet?" I asked.

"No, well, yes, but that's not what I'm talking about right now," Candice said.

"Then what?" I asked as I hit the birdie back to the other side.

"There's going to be a huge announcement at lunch today."

"Like what?" I asked.

"I can't tell you! I was sworn to secrecy by the student council teachers," Candice laughed.

"It better be good," I said.

"It will be and I know you'll like it," she cooed.

"If you say so." Later at lunch, Principal Miller stepped up to the podium at our cafeteria stage and tapped the micro phone; the whole room went quiet.

"Good, now that I have everyone's attention, I have an announcement to make that I think you're all going to like," she smiled, "As I'm sure you are all aware that semester exams are this week, it has always been tradition here at our school to do something special the week after exams before winter break," she rambled, "So I am proud to announce that next week we will be having a spirit week and next Friday, we will be having a Winter Formal right here in the cafeteria from seven to ten pm." Everyone cheered and shouted with joy and Principal Miller raised her arms to quiet us down again. "I'm sure you are all very excited, but please don't forget to study and study hard for those exams. There will be a free dinner hosted at the local diner, but spaces are limited, so please plan according ahead of time to make sure you make your night memorable. More information will be posted on the bulletin boards and announced next week, so be sure to stay posted. Enjoy your day and good luck," she finished. Candice squealed.

"Isn't this exciting?! I can't wait to go buy a new dress!"

"Will you go with me?" Chris asked Lily.

"Is that even a question?" he looked at her cautiously, "Of course I'll go with you!" she exclaimed, giving him a hug and kiss on the cheek.

3 days later and I got a text in between exams. Meet me at the tree tonight at 9pm-Sky

I couldn't contain my happiness because I knew that he was going to ask me to the dance, it was only a matter of time. I tried not to rush through my final, but it was so hard not to when I too was excited to see how Skylar was going to ask me out! Finally after trying to keep myself busy for hours, it was time to meet up with him. When I parked the car on the side of the road, there was little battery powered candles that created a path leading to the tree. Once I got to the truck of the tree, Skylar was waiting with a romantic picnic dinner set up in the grass. I blushed as he poured 2 cups full of sparkling cider and gestured for me to sit down. "So I take it you know why I went out of my way to do all of this?" he asked me, dishing up spaghetti for the 2 of us.


"Anna, my cute friend, will you do the honors of going to the Winter Formal with me and making it a fun night that we won't forget?" he asked sweetly.

"Yes!" I nodded my head. Skylar smiled and we enjoyed our little 'date' that night and I probably stayed out way more than I should have, but I had easy finals tomorrow. Plus, it's the last day of finals and it's my easy classes, so no biggie.

On Saturday, Candice insisted that we go dress shopping before all the good dress were taken, so there we were at the city mall waiting for her to try on her third dress. "Why such the fuss? You haven't even told us who you're going with yet," Lily pointed out.

"Danny asked me," Candice told us.

"He doesn't even go to our school, does he?" I asked.

"That doesn't matter, that's why everyone is allowed to bring one guest," she shot back.

"Fair enough," I agreed. After 2 more dresses, Candice found one that she liked and then it was Lily's turn.

"Don't expect anything too fancy from me. I like to sparkle, but not like that," Lily warned, gesturing to Candice's dress. Me and her laughed while Lily picked out the 6 that she liked. After she tried some of them on again, she narrowed it down to 2 and from there, we were able to give her some fashion advice. Then it was my turn. I must've tried on half the store, but nothing was really speaking to me until finally, I found the one. "I think I should change my hair. Do you care if I change it up a bit?" Lily asked.

"How much are we talking here?" I asked.

"Just a trim and new coloring," lily shrugged.

"Sure, but I'm gonna eat while we wait," Candice said. An hour later, Lily walked out of the salon looking like a new person. Candice gasped.

"When you said a trim, I was thinking only an inch or two at the most, but this, this is nice to I guess."

"I don't see what the big deal is and it'll add even more style to your dress," I winked. Lily laughed.

"Wait 'til Chris sees this."

(Lily's new haircut)

(Lily's new haircut)

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Beautiful Claws by: Tauriel RogersWhere stories live. Discover now