36) Camping With The Enemy

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Curt, the new guy, and I glanced around confused, meeting Rogue and Bobby's gaze. "What do we do?" Storm asked as the jet gently landed on the forest floor. 

"We should see what they want," Logan answered moodily, sending a hard gaze to the old man. 

"Everyone, stay close, be cautious, and whatever you do, don't trust them," Jean warned. We trailed behind each other as the teachers and Logan went ahead to talk to our rescuers. 

"What's with Logan and the old guy?" I asked Rogue quietly. I looked at her when she didn't answer me to see the same glare of hatred that was sent the old guys way, but she also looked like she was about to puke. 

"Hey...hey! Rogue, look at me," Bobby told her soothingly, obstructing her view of them, "Why don't we hang back here for awhile?" I stopped in my tracks, not sure what the big deal was. 

"All of you, gather some firewood," Logan shouted. To my dissatisfaction, Pyro followed me, but kept his distance. He always kept the old guy in his line of sight as if he was on watch to protect the group. 

"That guy is Magneto in case you were wondering; he controls metal," Pyro informed me. 

"How come nobody likes him?" I asked. 

"Ever wonder why Rogue has that white streak in her hair? It's because of him," Pyro explained, disgust thick in his voice. "If Logan hadn't been there to stop him, he probably would've killed Rogue." I gasped and glanced back to the group, suddenly understanding why everyone was on such the defense. 

"Is that why Logan and Rogue have such a strong bond?"

"Yeah, Logan was the one that brought her in actually. He looks at her like a little sister. Now, Rogue won't admit, but I've always thought she's had a little crush on Logan, but Bobby was the one that truly made her feel welcome."

"What about the girl?" I asked, nodding to the blue skinned woman.

"That's Mystique, Magneto's right hand woman. She might be considered a villain, but she has a soft side. Her and the Professor go way back. Nobody really knows her story about how she came to be with Magneto, but every time one of us tries to ask, the Professor gets all teary eyed and acts as if he's visiting a long lost memory." I nodded, realizing just how complicated everything was. Who knew it was such a small world with us mutants?

"How come she's not wearing any clothes?" I asked. Pyro shrugged.

"Maybe she's more comfortable that way having everything out in the open? When you have powers like hers, clothes might feel a bit constricting," he answered. I nodded my head. We returned with the firewood and Pyro easily started a nice fire that would burn through the night. Bobby, Rogue, and Pyro went to find a fresh set of clothes in the X Jet. I stayed behind to talk to Curt to try to get to know him a bit better. While we were standing there talking, Mystique stealthily came up behind us, causing us both to jump. 

"Oh, I didn't see you there!" I exclaimed. 

"I don't know you," she said in a deep voice. 

"I'm Anna," I extended my hand for a hand shake. She stared at it, making me think that maybe she wasn't the friendly type, but then she gave the faintest hint of a smile and returned the gesture. 

"How long have you been with the X Men?" she asked us. 

"Curt showed up a day or two ago, I've been with them a few months," I answered. I glanced to Curt and was surprised by his shy demeanor towards her when he'd been so friendly and outgoing with everyone else.

"What's you power?" Mystique asked, ignoring Curt. 

"Fire," I demonstrated in one hand, "and ice," I demonstrated in the other, only the ice didn't come. Mystique smirked at my frustration. I closed my eyes and when I opened them back up, there was the ice. 

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