26) Advice About Feelings

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The next day, I knew Jubilee was going to question me about walking in on me and Logan and I wasn't looking forward to it. I had no idea how to explain myself to her! I was still in shock myself. Had Logan really tried to kiss me? Was it his way of trying to say sorry for all of the bruises that he felt like were his fault or was there actually some attraction building between us? There was still so much that I myself didn't know. "Anna, please keep your thoughts to yourself." I sat up straight and looked around to see who had said that. Nobody was making eye contact accept for Colossus, who mouthed "what" to me. I shook my head and kept looking around and he shrugged his shoulders and continued to jot down notes. My eyes scanned the front of the classroom, reverting back to Professor X. He was still lecturing on birth order theories, but kept his eyes on me. "Don't let your thoughts and feelings cloud your lessons."

"Professor?" I thought.

"I know how you feel about him and it's quite alright, but don't let it distract your or slow you down from your training. Focus on what you must learn before focusing on your feelings."

"I'm trying to figure my own feelings out! With all this time I'm spending with him in training, how am I supposed to know what his feelings are if I'm constantly putting my focus elsewhere?" I argued. The Professor sighed.

"Class is dismissed and we'll continue this lesson tomorrow. Please read the chapter, including the section that we weren't able to get to in todays lecture and take notes on it because there will be a participation pop quiz on it next class." A few students grumbled on their way out. 

"Hey, do you want to be study buddies after training today?" Colossus asked on his way out when he realized I was making no effort to get up. 

"Uh, sure. We could invite some of the other students to and compare notes, especially the definitions," I agreed.

"Great," he paused, "What's going on?"

"Not quite sure of it myself, but I'll let you know during study group," I said as I started gathering my things.

"Anna," Professor X started, "I understand your frustration with these new feelings, however, when you are out in the field, you can't let that get in the way of the mission or else you'll end up getting hurt or worse," he explained. 

"I see what you're saying." He smiled and motioned to the door. I thought about what he had said as I headed to my next class. Jubilee was already anxiously waiting for me by the door. 

"So...What happened last night?" she asked excitedly. 

"Nothing happened."

"Oh really cuz it looked like to me that he was totally into you."

"If it hadn't been for your barging in on us, then something certainly wouldn't happened and I might actually have more to say," I answered testily. I wasn't trying to come off upset, but the more I thought about it, the more I kinda wished I could've known what would've happened. 

"Alright, keep your secrets then," she teased. We took our notes and set up our lab stations for the day. As we were reading through our DNA extraction samples directions, I couldn't focus. 

"Do you really think he would've kissed me?" I asked her. Jubilee sent me a sideways look that read all too much that we should've gone for it. I put my hands through my hair frustrated that I had missed my chance. "Will I get to try again? Will I get a second chance?" I asked aloud to nobody in particular. 

"He obviously likes you even if you're trying to convince yourself of it," Jubilee told me. 

"Professor X heard my thoughts during Psychology today and he made it sound like I should push my feelings aside when we're training."

"Of course he would cuz that's how Professor X likes things to be. He doesn't want people getting distracted during learning time and I don't blame him for that but try having to sit behind Colossus! That man in something," Jubilee dreamily sighed. 

"What should I do? We don't really talk or see much of each other outside of training."

"Then hang out, go on a ew dates, get out of the house. There's nothing that says you can't and I'm willing to bet that you could stay out past curfew cuz you're with Wolverine. Nobody and I mean nobody ever messes with that guy," Jubilee said. 

"Yeah, you're right, but I can't ask him on a date. That would be way too forward."

"Hmm..."Jubilee thought as we waited for our experiment to dissolve and slow down. "Maybe you could ask someone for help? I'd ask for you, but I don't want to seem like the love-struck little sister playing matchmaker." There was an outburst of laughter behind us that made us both jump. 

"Did someone say matchmaker? I think I can help with that," Beast laughed. 

"Keep it down will you please? I don't want the whole school to know!" I whisper yelled.

"I'm afraid it's already too late for that Anna. Us teachers have heard the rumors," Beast informed me.

"What rumors?" I questioned. Beast looked uncertain at the ground and then back at me and Jubilee. 

"The students see how he acts around you and how careful he is. I've also heard you blush very easily so trust me when I say that it is no secret what is starting to form between the two of you," he told me. I turned around and gripped the counter for support feeling an overwhelming amount of butterflies in my stomach. "If you'd like, I can put a little bug in his ear that a certain girl wouldn't mind getting to see him outside of training when she's not a mess from working out where she can be relaxed," Beast offered. 

"Thank you." 

"Of course," Beast gave a toothy smile that made both Jubilee and I smile back, trying to suppress our laughter.

"See? That wasn't so hard now was it?" Jubilee asked. I gave her that look and went back to fishing out my DNA sample so we could look at it under the microscope. 

"And then he was trying to jump down from the monkey bars and land in a summersault, but then he tripped on the bar and ended up rolling in a ball, sprawling out on his face!" Rogue said through laughter as the rest of us laughed along. She was telling us what happened to one of smaller Elementary school aged kids in the Obstacle Room yesterday. 

"Oh my gosh! Was the kid ok?" Bobby asked, still laughing.

"Oh yeah, but he was hobbling around still this morning," Rogue said. 

"Is that him over there?" Pyro asked, nodding towards a kid with brown hair and big glasses. Rogue nodded her head and sure enough the kid was hobbling to his lunch table, causing us all to go into a fit of laughter again. He saw us as he walked by and gave us this horrid look.

"Stop laughing, it's not funny!" he said, to which we all laughed harder about. 

"Hey Anna," a familiar masculine voice behind me said. Our laughing died down as I turned around to look up at him. 


"Would you like to go get dinner with me later tonight?" Logan asked. 

"Sure, what groceries are we picking up?" I asked. 

"We're not doing the Professor's shopping for him; I'm asking if you'd like to go to dinner with me," Logan explained. Rogue looked at me with raised eyebrows, forming an "Oh" with her mouth obviously surprised. Bobby scratched looked at me, then at Logan, and back at me expectantly. I sneaked a glance at Pyro, who was watching me intently as he was holding his breath. 

"I'd love to," I smiled, "Where to?"

"You'll have to wait and find out. Meet me by the front door at six," Logan told me. 

"Ok," I said sheepishly as the butterflies came back and I could feel my cheeks burning up. 

Beautiful Claws by: Tauriel RogersWhere stories live. Discover now