29) Feeling Icy?

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The entire rest of class, I zoned out on everyone else's speeches as I thought about Jean and Logan. I could tell they had some sort of history and that they both cared deeply for each other, but at the same time, it was as if they were trying to bury or ignore their feelings. It was so annoying! Obviously she still wanted him, but Logan's comment made it sound like he was over her. He still respected her, which was very nice of him, given the fact she picks on her students all the time, aka me. I kept thinking back to last night and how she acted. Why would she trip me and risk accidently hurting me? Is that the kind of person she really was? Someone who's willing to hurt others in order ot get what she wants? Then I thought of how Logan reacted that night and treated me. I've never had those feelings for anyone, not even for Sky. "You know I can read your thoughts?" a voice said in my head. I practically jumped in my seat. 

"Who are you and why are you in my head?" I asked rudely. I looked around, eventually catching Jean's icy look. 

"You can read my mind?" 

"Yes and I can't concentrate to teach my class when you're daydreaming about your teenage romance fantasies."

"Oh I'm sorry, am I bothering you?" I asked sarcastically. Jean gave me a pointed warning look. Logan said to fight back, so I kept going and thought of when he caught me from my fall and exactly how I felt in that moment. I let my fantasies go wild as I imagined what it would be like to kiss him. 

"STOP IT!" Jean yelled, her eyes turning a flaming orange color. All of a sudden, some of the objects that were casually laying on the tables started to levitate and a book came flying at me. I ducked and it hit the empty chair behind me. I turned in time to see a larger science textbook coming at me. I instinctevely formed an ice shield, which shattered at the impact of the book hitting it. 

"Everyone get down!" a student instructed. We all hid under our desks, but someone was so scared they fled out of the classroom. I didn't know what Jean was going to do and it seemed like nobody had ever seen her like this before. More and more things started levitating, including sharp objects. My eyes grew wide and I quickly built a thick ice box around me, keeping me out of harms way. I put up an extra layer around the corner I was huddled in just in case. I sat against the ice wall, the cold temperature not bothering me at. I brought my legs up to my chin, hiding my face in my lap, hugging my legs close to my body. I jumped when objects starting crashing down around me. Something rather big and heavy made a crack. Hearing the small chunks of ice fall from the ice ceiling made me start to cry. I hoped that someone would come to my rescue soon. I knew unless they had heat or nature powers, it would be pretty hard to get through my defense. I heard muffle shouting and the sounds of things hitting my ice fortress stopped. I risked a small peak and strained my ears, trying to figure out what was going on. All of a sudden, there was a scraping noise and I ducked my head again waiting for the unknown to happen. 

"Wait, what am I doing?" I thought, "If I'm going to become a member of the X Men, I can't cower in the corner waiting for whoever to come take me down; I have to take a stand. As the scraping noises continued, I stood up, wiped my eyes, and decided to get all fired up. Because I was in an ice box, my attacker probably wouldn't be expecting heat. Is that a little overkill though? The scraping noises were starting to get louder as whoever was on the other side was starting to get through the thick layers of ice. Hmm...maybe not. The ice in front of me was starting to crack and I grew more and more nervous as I got into a fighting stance. I didn't know how to control both fire and ice at the same time, so for now, I would have to stick with heat. The ice suddenly came crashing down and I immediately threw a few fire balls. The person instinctively ducked and I was getting ready to send a heat wave when I realized who it was. "Logan!" I shouted in relief, running to embrace him. I heard his claws go back into his forearms as he returned the hug. "I was so scared," I started crying. 

"Did she hurt you?" he asked, putting a hand on my cheek. 

"No," I shook my head. Logan's eyes softened and I put my head back on his shoulder. 

"Are you ok?" I heard Storm's calming voice. 

"Yes," I said quietly. She gave a small sad smile, putting a hand on my shoulder. 

"Why don't we get you to the Professor's office? He has some questions for you," she told me. I wiped what was left of my scared tears away before replying, 

"If it's all the same to you, I'd rather stay with Logan." Logan looked at me surprised and then at Storm. Storm raised her eyebrows, seeming as surprised as Logan, and then gave him a knowing smile. 

"Anna listen, I know you're probably really shaken up right now, but there is any way you could get this hunk of ice out of here?" Scott asked nicely. 

"I don't know, I kinda like it. Makes a great classroom decoration, don't you think?" I answered. Logan let out a little laugh and Scott was trying really hard not to smile. "Fine," I gave in. I put my hand, quickly melting the ice. I levitated the water, letting it follow me as we walked to the Professor's office. Jean walked out the door looking rather troubled. She stopped when she saw me with Logan. She looked at him sadly and wouldn't even look at me, although I could tell she was upset. 

"You don't have to do that homework assignment," she told me. I smiled.

"Ok." She was lost for words, just giving a nod in return before walking off. "Oh, and Miss Grey," I called after her, "have fun cleaning up your mess," I said, letting the levitating water fall on her. She jumped, startled at being drenched in ice cold water. Logan and I laughed at her standing there gaping. 

"I deserved that," she smiled, wringing her hands out. 

"I probably shouldn't have done that," I mumbled, realizing that maybe my joke had gone too far. 

"Probably, but it was funny," Logan agreed. 

"Anna, if you'll have a seat," Professor X gestured, waiting for me by the door. "Not you," he stopped Logan, who was following behind. 

"I'll wait out here," Logan told me. I gulped, not knowing what was going to happen now. 

Beautiful Claws by: Tauriel RogersWhere stories live. Discover now