30) Punishment

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"Anna, Anna...what am I going to do with you?" Professor X thought aloud. I looked down at my hands, nervously twitching my fingers between each other. 

"She deserved it," I thought.

"You're quite right," he agreed, "however, neither one of your actions can go unpunished." I nodded, not knowing what to say. 

"Are you...are you going to kick me out?" I asked cautiously.

"No, of course not!" the Professor reassured me. "Unless you turn dark and evil, you can stay here for as long as you'd like, even after your studies are complete." I smiled, trying to reassure myself that everything would be ok. "Jean will recieve a harsher punishment," he slowly said, thinking of what would be best for everyone. "Perhaps some time away from each other would be best," he finally suggested. 

"I think that would be wise," I agreed. "What about my class? Surely you won't let me skip out on that even though the school year is almost over."

"To continue her class will be completely and totally up to you, but you will still be expected to do the classwork and homework assignments."

"Ok, I'm sure some of my classmates could get those to me."

"Yes," after several moments, the Professor finally came to a conclusion. "You are grounded to the school grounds until further notice and are not to leave, even if a teacher or adult is present."

"I can live with that."

"Then we are in agreeance?" he asked. 

"One hundred percent," I told him. I started to wonder how this affect everyone and their relationships. 

"Logan and Jean have been at odds ever since Logan turned up here," Professor X informed me, "She was already with Scott and had been for some time. Scott and Logan have never gotten along because of it, getting in squabbles much of the time. I don't know why Logan's feelings changed so suddenly with your arrival, but even with the events of today, I personally think it is for the better. He sees potential in you and is willing to work with you if you are with him. Don't turn him away Anna; he will be your greatest protector." 

"How do I make this work Professor? I don't want things to be awkward around here," I asked. 

"Just be yourself." 

"I know there's something between Logan and I, but will that still be there after today?" I asked. 

"Logan is not easily gotten rid of once someone is involved with him as friends or more than that," Professor X answered. "Take the rest of today and tomorrow off of school if needed. I know as a teenager, these kinds of things aren't forgotten about by others and I am truly sorry if there is gossip and rumors from the other students," he apologized. 

"I'll keep that in mind." 

"That will be all," he dismissed me. 

"So, how bad was it?" Logan asked in the hall. 

"I'm grounded until further notice, so no more going out, sorry."

"Hey, it's not your fault," Logan stopped me to look me in the eye. "There's plenty of fun things we can do here."

"If you say so." I wasn't very convinced. "I don't want people talking about me," I admitted.

"They better not or else they'll have to deal with me," Logan said defensively. I smiled warmly, blushing when he caught my eye. "Why don't we train later today after you catch up with your friends?" 

"That would be great! The I could let out all of my anger!" I beamed. 

"We heard what happened, are you ok?" Rogue asked when I met up with them at dinner. 

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