3) The Hangout

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Lily and I have developed a pretty good workout routine in P.E. We start with weight lifting, then bench, some sit ups, back to weight lifting and benching, and then more sit ups until Coach Kelley blows her whistle, signaling it's time to play the sport picked out for the week. Right now, our sport for the next 2 weeks was basketball, my least favorite. I wasn't very good at it, but I soon learned that I could catch the ball well enough. Coach wanted us to practice some drills and shooting hoops in small groups. No matter how many times I tried, I could not get that darn thing through the hoop! Out of nowhere, a streak of red came flying past me and the ball perfectly made it through the hoop. The people who saw the demonstration clapped and the red head turned around, revealing a pleased Holly who bowed and high fived several people. "That's  how it's done, loser," she said proudly in my face as she sauntered off to her annoying friends.

"Very good Richardson! If only your friends had that same kind of energy," Coach Kelley praised her. Holly laughed and pointedly looked at Melissa and Candice.

"What? I hate basketball, too many people crowding my space," Candice said.

"Don't look at me, I wouldn't wanna break these perfectly manicured nails," Melissa whined, holding her fingers up to Holly's face.

"Oh! They look so nice! Where did you get them done?" Candice asked, admiring them. I rolled my eyes and dribbled as I tried to make another hoop, missing yet again. Some people were starting to laugh at me and I was getting frustrated.

"Your throws are lousy."

"I know Sky, thanks for pointing that out to everyone," I said moodily. He shook his head and watched me as I missed yet again.

"It's all in your wrist movement," he told me.

"If your so smart, show me how it's done," I challenged. Skylar smiled and easily stole the basketball from my hands, dribbled, and made a slam dunk. Everyone cheered and clapped, but he brought the ball back and handed it to me.

"Your turn," he said.

"Show off," I mumbled with a smirk. I bounced the ball a few times before dribbling and trying for another hoop. It bounced off the orange rim and I quickly tried to catch it before it could hurt someone. I accidently back stepped into someone and felt a pair of hands grip my shoulders as they staggered back while I caught the ball. I looked up to see Skylar looking at me in a way that I had never seen him look at me before.

"Are you ok?" he asked. I could only nod. "It's better, but not good enough. You need to try to throw slightly higher and work on that wrist flick as us guys call it," he advised, releasing me from his hold.

"Having trouble?" Chris asked, jogging up to our group.

"I suck at this," I admitted.

"Well that's ok, nobody is perfect. Aim for the square above the net and you'll have a better chance of making it in. See, watch," Chris demonstrated. "Now you try."

"Ok," I said unsure of myself. I followed their advice and what do you know? I finally made a hoop! "I did it!" I squealed. Chris high fived me and Skylar gave me a quick side hug.

"Now you can practice with me," Lily suggested. I gave her a smile and let her shoot before I tried again. I was about to get into position when a hand grabbed my elbow.

"Are you doing anything after school today?" Skylar asked quietly.

"I've got an English paper to write and some Physics worksheets, but other than that, no."

"Do you wanna come hang at my house say...five o'clock? Lily and Chris will be there to."

"Sure," I answered immediately, smiling widely.

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