17) First Day...Again

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My alarm woke me up nice and early so I'd have plenty of time to eat and get ready. I took a rather long shower, picked out a simple outfit of jeans and a short sleeved purple shirt that said "Rock Star" on it in black letters with my black sneakers. I did my nails to match my shirt and put on mascara and lip gloss. I didn't bring a lot of jewelry with me, but I did have small, sparkly, black studs that matched. I typically don't like to dress up too much, but I wanted to make a good first impression on my first day. 

I headed down to breakfast to find that Kitty and Colossus weren't sitting with Rogue, Iceman, and Pyro. "Hey guys," I greeted them.

"What's up?" Iceman asked.

"Today is officially my first day," I announced.

"Are you nervous?" Pyro asked.

"Yeah, I just don't want things to backfire here like they did at my old school," I admitted, "No pun intended," I quickly added.

"Haha," he laughed sarcastically.

"There's no need to be nervous, most everyone here is super nice and we're always excited to get to know new people and what kind of powers they have," Rogue reassured me.

"Yeah, especially when they're as cute as you," Pyro added and winked when I looked at him. Everyone froze; Rogue looked at me to see my reaction, Iceman gawked at him, Pyro acted like it was no big deal, and I was too shocked to say anything. I could feel my cheeks were heating up and quickly looked down at my food to hide my blushing. "What? Why did everyone get so quiet? It was a compliment for goodness sake," he defended himself.

"I-I wasn't expecting you to say something like that," I told him. Pyro shrugged.

"I can't help but notice a pretty face."

"Pyro I think that's enough, you're only going to make her feel more nervous," Rogue quietly scolded him. Pyro put his hands up and stood up to leave.

"You have a nice day Anna and don't get lost," Pyro advised. I gave him a small smile and nodded without looking directly at him.

"Ok, that was awkward," I breathed once he was gone.

"He can be like sometimes, but don't let him overwhelm you," Iceman told me.

"I don't even like him like that, he's totally not my type," I said. Rogue laughed. I pulled my schedule out from my bag.

1) Psychology - Professor X: Main Study

2) Science - Beast: Science Lab

3) Literature - Storm: Room 8


4) Math - Cyclops: Room 12

5) Public Speaking - Jean Grey: Room 3

6) Training Session - TBA: Training Room 16

"TBA?" Iceman asked curiously.

"What does that mean?" I asked worried.

"I don't know," he answered.

"Just show up when and where they tell you to and typically they figure out the rest from there. Training sessions are kinda done whenever. If you're tired and don't wanna keep going, you don't have to. If you don't feel like going to training that day, no one can stop you. If you'd rather work out the whole time instead of playing with your powers, that's fine to. It's whatever you make it," Rogue explained.

"That's really nice," I commented. I glanced at my watch and realized I needed to get to class soon. "Well thanks guys, but I've gotta go, I don't wanna be late on my first day."

Beautiful Claws by: Tauriel RogersWhere stories live. Discover now