11) The Dance

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"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO YOUR BEAUTIFUL LONG HAIR?!" Chris screamed in the hall the next morning.

"I cut it," Lily said matter-of-factly.

"You don't say," he answered sarcastically.

"Do you like it?" she suddenly asked worried.

"Of course I love it, but...I loved your long hair," Chris whined.

"Wait about a month and it'll grow back," Lily reminded him. One of Chris friends came over and the two of them were suddenly walking down the hall, talking about the latest football games.

"That didn't go very well," Lily mumbled.

"He'll get over it," I reassured her.

"So, meet up at your house after school so we can all get ready?" Lily asked.

"Yep, we're gonna need time to shower, do hair, makeup, nails, and Candice wanted my mom to do some tiny alterations to her dress since her mom doesn't sew."

"Should I bring afternoon snacks?"

"You better or else by the time dinner comes around, we'll be starving!"

4 o'clock rolled around and Candice and Lily showed up. We took turns showering and painted each other's toe nails while we waited. Then we helped dry each others' hair and style it. Of course we had to have a snack break! LOL! XD For the most part, we were all able to do our own makeup and then waited for Candice's alterations to be finished. We got our purses, put our shoes on, and waited for the boys to arrive. Five minutes later, the doorbell rang and there stood a nerdy Danny, a handsome Chris, and a dashing Sky with flowers and chocolates for each of us. We cranked up the radio and a had a little pre-party on our way to the diner cuz yes, our boys were awesome and made reservations the day after the dance was announced. The diner was packed, but the waitress kindly showed us to an empty booth in the back and handed us menus.

"You boys are so awesome!" Candice complimented, "You got us a free dinner, chocolate, corsages, you can all drive, and we know for a fact that tonight is gonna be fun!"

"What could possibly go wrong?" Chris joked.

"Hey man, don't jinx it!" Sky exclaimed. For dinner, we ordered burgers, fries, milkshakes, and hot fudge ice cream. A little overboard, I know, but we didn't wanna be hungry for the rest of the night, especially since we planned on going to the movies after the dance was over. We got the school and picked our dresses up as we walked to the gym. The decorations were rather simple, but they went all out with the lights that change color, a disco ball, and hiring a band for our music.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm going dancing," Lily told us. Danny whispered something in Candice's ear, her face lighting up as she nodded, and he dragged her away with his hand in hers.

"Would you like to dance?" Sky asked, holding his hand as a slow song started. I smiled and took his hand, allowing him to lead me to the dance floor.

"You look beautiful tonight," he whispered in my ear as he put an arm around my waist. I blushed and looked down at my feet.

"You don't look too bad yourself," I shot back to which he grinned.

"How were your finals?" he asked making small talk.

"They were ok, math has always been hard for me and physics was a struggle, but everything else was pretty easy. How about you?"

"I don't think I did very well with my physics exam either and English was hard because of that darn essay we had to write, but yeah, the rest was fine," he agreed. We continued with small talk and talking about things we liked, stuff like that.

Beautiful Claws by: Tauriel RogersWhere stories live. Discover now