8) Back To Normal

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"You were right, this is going to be really  weird," Sky said after we picked up our food from the cafeteria line.

"Relax ok? I'll be with you every step of the way and Lily will just have to forgive you. Besides, you're family, you kinda have to get along," I tried to reassure him.

"I don't know Anna, Lily and I haven't spoken at all since the party."

"Chris forgave you didn't he?"

"Yeah, but...it took a lot of convincing."

"And I forgave you to so I'm pretty sure Lily can to and now, we even got a new friend in the group because of your actions," I reminded him.

"True," he weighed it out in his head.

"Oh my gosh," I gasped, "It's like...it's like we saved her from a bunch of bad guys. We rescued her from captivity!" Skylar laughed and shook his head.

"You and your superheroes."


"Nothing, let's go eat," he said following me to our table. We sat down as if nothing had ever happened and I exchanged worried glances with Candice and Chris. Sky didn't say a word, just stuffed his mouth full of fruit and we all waited in nervous silence.

"Why is everyone looking at me?" Lily finally asked.

"Are you better?" Chris asked.

"What do you mean 'am I better?' I thought we had this talk already about failing my last math test."

"Then that must mean we're good," Chris smiled with a sigh of relief. Lily scrunched her face in confusion.

"Ooooooh, now I get it. Yes we're all cool again so nobody screw it up, especially you Candice. Just because you're a part of our group now doesn't mean we still don't see you as a snob. You still have a lot to live up to," Lily told us.

"I know and I wouldn't ever go back to my old ways or even consider being their friends ever again. After being away from them for so long, I totally get way everyone hates us," Candice informed us as she glanced at her old friends who were fixing their hair and doing their makeup.

"You know, I think we should all hang out sometime," Chris suggested.

"I'm down with that. How about today after school?" Skylar agreed.


"Why not?"

"I'm not busy anymore these days."

"Sweet! How about I pick everyone up at 6?" Chris asked.

"Sounds great!"

"I um, I don't think I should go," Candice said in History while we were working on our reports.

"Why not? It would be a great way for everyone to get to know you," I persuaded.

"Yeah and once Lily trusts you, it'll be like she was your long lost sister or something," Sky encouraged. Candice looked panicked for a moment and then gestured for us to lean in.

"You see, I don't have a boyfriend like the rest of everyone in the group," she whispered.

"Surely there must be someone you want to go out with," I said.

"There is! There's a ton of guys that I would love to date and almost as many that would love to date me, but I don't wanna end up being the odd one out without someone," Candice explained.

"Name who and Chris and I can make it happen," Sky offered.

"Ever since the party, not a lot of people really talk to me anymore," she pointed out.

"It would be really sad if you weren't there because the way we all see it, you're one of us now," I said. Candice sighed.

"I'll be ready to go, but don't let Chris forget to pick me up."


We all went bowling and had pizza while we were there. Skylar beat everyone of course, but he let me win one round even though I told him not to. Afterwards, we decided to go get milkshakes. "Hi, I'm Danny and I'll be taking your order tonight," a kinda nerdy guy said when he got to our table.

"We'll have to double chocolate shakes," Chris ordered for him and Lily.

"I'd like a Chocolate Strawberry Swirl shake," Skylar told him.

"I'll get a Peanut Butter Chocolate Fudge one," I said.

"And what would you-" he stopped mid sentence when Candice put her menu and smiled at him.

"W-what would you like Miss?"

"What would you suggest?" she asked.

"Well uh," he straightened his glasses, "I personally like the Cookie Dough shakes, however, the Chocolate Mint shakes are very good to."

"Surprise me," Candice said, pulling out her phone to answer a text.

"S-sure Miss," he nervously walked away and as soon as we were out of ear shot, we all burst out laughing.

"What?" Candice shrugged, looking up from her phone.

"Did you not see how nervous that guy was around you?" Lily laughed.

"Oh even I knew he was completely into you," Chris added.

"So? He's just some guy that works here."

"You should totally get his number!" I encouraged.

"WHAT?! Are you out of your mind? Me dating a nerd?" Candice questioned.

"Come on Candice, what's the worst that could come of it?" Sky asked.

"I don't know," she muttered. A few minutes later, he came back with our shakes and placed each of them in front of the person that ordered it. Danny carefully held out Candice's shake. She gently took it from him and hugged the delivery tray to his chest as he anxiously waited to see what her reaction would be.

"Do you like it?" he asked. Candice set it back down and licked her lips with a plain expression on her face.

"I love it! What was this flavor called again?" she asked.

"Chocolate Mint. I put extra chocolate chunks in it for you," he admitted.

"Well thank you, I will definitely enjoy it," Candice started to suck more of her shake down. Danny nodded and walked away with a small skip in his step.

"You didn't ask for his number," Lily pointed out when we were ready to leave.

"He's too busy now I'm sure and I haven't seen him come out from the back in awhile," Candice said glumly.

"Go ask the manager, he should be able to tell you," Chris suggested.

"Ok," Candice said unsurely as she walked up to the register and asked about Danny the waiter. The manager smiled and nodded and Candice turned back to look at us. We all smiled and gave her the thumbs up with she out her hand up and shook her head. We calmed down and got excited when we saw the manager come back with Danny in tow. The two exchanged numbers and he looked overjoyed to have Candice talking to him. "I got it. He's actually really nice when he's not stammering." We all laughed and headed home for the night.

(Tom Holland as Danny)

(Tom Holland as Danny)

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Beautiful Claws by: Tauriel RogersWhere stories live. Discover now