40) Losing One of Us

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"You don't want to go that way, trust me." We all looked the opposite way to see a familiar face. Logan was standing there out of breath, but other than that, he was fine. I ran to him and kissed him harshly. Logan returned the kiss with just as much passion, holding me as tightly to him as he possibly could. 

"Don't you scare me like that ever again," I warned him, hugging him for dear life. 

"I won't I promise," he gave me his word. He broke apart from my hug and took my hand. "We have to keep moving," he told me, then turned to the group, "Come on, there's another way out of here." Logan led us to a side door that dropped us off outside. 

We had to walk a ways and I looked up at him confused when he stopped abruptly. "The helicopter was right here!" he yelled angrily, knowing how much everyone was depending on him to get them to safety. I dropped my hand from his grasp to rub his back and shoulder to let him know that he needed to relax and not take it too personal. We could still outrun the dam breaking if we had to to get to higher ground, but we'd probably lose a few people in the process. All of a sudden, the X-jet came from out of nowhere and we all watched as whoever was piloting it gently crash landed in the snow. We wasted no time climbing aboard to find that Rogue and Bobby had done their part in helping us escape. Storm went over to calm Rogue down and get her out of the pilot chair. Logan had gone back to help some kid that had tripped and fallen in the snow. 

"Are you ok?" I asked him concerned when he came back. 

"I am now," he responded, clapping a hand on my shoulder. I smiled at his response knowing that we'd be alright from here on out. At least, that's what I thought. 

"The ships thrusters are damaged!" Scott exclaimed unhappily. 

"So just fix them," Logan barked.

"I can't," Scott told him hopelessly. 

"Has anyone seen Pyro?" Bobby asked out of the blew.

"Who, John?" Logan asked, struggling to put the name to a face. 

"He's with Magneto," Jean informed us sadly. Professor X let out a heavy sigh and the 3 of us that actually knew him glanced around at each other, not wanting to believe what we had heard. The jet lurched harshly, causing several people to decide to strap in for the bumpy ride. 

"Oh no, we lost the power," Storm said, starting to freak out. We heard the loud crash of the dam breaking, signaling what little time we had left . The X-Men were frantically trying to figure out how to fix the jet and didn't notice Jean slip out. 

"Jean?" Professor X asked worriedly. 

"Where's Jean?" Logan asked equally concerned as the Professor was. 

"She's outside," Professor X realized. Scott tried to follow her out, but the ramp closed itself up.

"No! We're not leaving! Lower the ramp!" Scott shouted exasperatedly. 

"I can't!" Storm exclaimed as the jet's power turned back on. 

"She's controlling the jet," one of the kids observed. 

"You! Get her now!" Scott ordered Curt. He tried, but his powers seemed to be locked.

"She's not letting me," Curt informed him. 

"This is the only way," Professor X suddenly said. I looked at him alarmed. 

"She's talking to Scott through the Professor," Bobby explained to me.

"That's amazing," I breathed, astonished by how skilled she was. 

"Goodbye," the Professor spoke Jean's last words and the jet was able to fly normally again.

"No! No, no!" Scott was frustrated.

"She's gone," Logan realized. 

"Don't you say that!" Scott scolded, pointing a finger at him.

"She's gone," Logan repeated sadly. 

"No! No," Scott started crying as the reality set in. Logan started to get teary eyed to. I started crying. Jean might not have been my favorite person, but I still respected her and she was just as much a part of the team as anyone else. I buried my face in Logan's chest and felt him wrap his arms around me, attempting to comfort me. 

"We have to get to Washington D.C." Professor X urged us after giving everyone time to grieve the loss of Jean. We got there soon enough and Storm stormed up the sky to provide the cover we needed to land the jet. Professor X froze the surrounding people as we entered the White House so we wouldn't have to deal with their security measures. 

"Good morning mister President, please don't be alarmed," Professor X greeted as we entered the President's office. If we were under more pleasant circumstances, I might've found it cool to meet the man who runs our country. 

"Who are you people?" the President asked curiously, but annoyed that we were there. Professor X introduced himself and the rest of the mutants from our group. Rogue handed the President a file as the Professor explained what the information was inside of it.

"How did you get this?" the President asked.

"Let's just say that I know a little girl who can walk through walls," the Professor answered, causing me and Curt to laugh. The President softened at my reaction, but glared at Curt. I guess that's what he gets for attempting to murder the President when he was being brainwashed by the bad guys. 

"I've never seen this information before and I don't respond well to threats," the President said. Professor X explained how a war was coming for humans and mutants alike and there was already casualties and losses on both sides, causing some of the X-Men to tear up. He then offered how he would like to work together peacefully with the President in the near future.

"We'll be watching," Logan commented sternly. We boarded back onto the jet and made the journey back to the X-Mansion where we'd have much repairing to do from the attack just a few days earlier. I was so tired and hungry by the time we got back that I ate and went to bed without changing my clothes or getting under the covers. 

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