13) An Outcast

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The rest of the week went by at an excruciating slow pace and each day, I was dreading school more and more, becoming so  uncomfortable to the point that I wanted to stay home, but I knew I couldn't. Skylar refused to sit with us at lunch, talk to any of us, or having interaction at all with us. I guess I scared him pretty bad. Lunch today was especially bad because I lost someone else.

"Um, hi. I need to talk to both of you," Chris said nervously, pushing us to our table more quickly than usual. "Look I love you Lily and Anna, you're an amazing person and I applaud you for being as strong as you have been with everything going on, but my sports coach has threatened to kick me off the team for hanging around someone who can't control themselves and it's really damaging my reputation. If you ever need anything, I'll help you out as best as I can and I'll continue to defend you, but I can't be seen with you anymore," he explained.

"Seriously Chris? That's your excuse? You care more about you stupid reputation that your friendship? Than me?" Lily argued.

"I'm sorry," he said as he picked up his tray and went to sit next to Skylar.

"It's fine, don't worry, he still loves you. It's ok," Lily thought aloud to reassure herself.

"I had no idea I was causing so much trouble," I admitted.

"Anna," Lily said softly, "You aren't causing any trouble and as far as I'm concerned, you are still you." I gave a half hearted smile and went back to eating my lunch. Things only got worse. Parents were starting to worry about the safety of their students going to the same school as me and many of my classmates were switching to other classes or were switching schools. "I can't do this anymore Anna," Lily said one day after school when we were watching movies at each others houses.


"I can't do this anymore! I can't handle all of the name calling, gossip, rumors, and the way you're being treated. You know I'm starting to get dragged into the gossip now to for standing by you? I can't have that when I'm Varsity Volleyball Captain and holder of the highest grades in most of my classes. Teachers can dock points for whatever they want to these days and some of them have dropped me at least one letter grade, if not two because they disagree with my actions. Anna, I will always be your friend, but I can't do this and I'm sorry cuz I've been there for you every step of the way until now," Lily apologized.

"You've stuck with me this far and I couldn't ask for me, so thank you Lily. You've done all that you can do," I agreed.

"We can still hang out after school when I don't have practice if you want, just shoot me a text," Lily said. I nodded. I decided to eat lunch in one of the courtyards from now on where no one could mess with me. I had been doing that for almost 2 weeks and was worried when I heard footsteps coming my way one day. I quickly packed up my lunch and climbed the big tree in the middle in the hopes that whoever it was wouldn't notice me.

"Anna, I know you're here," Skylar called out, "I just want to talk." I figured there was no harm in talking, so I climbed back down.

"I'm listening," I said with my arms crossed.

"I think I might know someone who can help you with your powers," Sky started.

"Really?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"My um, my brother Scott is like you," Sky struggled to get out, "His powers are different than yours but he found people who could help him. Maybe they could help you to."

"And why would they do that?" I challenged.

"Because my brother can control his powers now," Sky answered. He pulled a business card out of his pocket and handed it to me. "There's no harm in at least looking into it. You're a good person Anna, stay that way," he said. I nodded and looked at the card he gave me. Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters "Good luck," Sky said, clapping a hand on my shoulder and walked away.

"Thank you," I called. As soon as I went home, I looked them up on my computer and as far as I could tell, they seemed pretty legit. The bullying at school continued until one day, my parents and I were called into a meeting with my principal.

"It's great that you all came," Principal Miller said shaking our hands and gesturing for us to sit down. "So, I understand that Anna has powers."

"Y-yes," I stammered.

"And I also understand that two of our students here were hurt because of that," she pointed out.

"It was an accident. I didn't know at the time that I had powers and they were bullying me!" I said, quickly defending myself.

"I understand that, but you must understand the fear and worry that has been among the students and teachers since then," Principal Miller reasoned.

"What do you propose?" my dad asked.

"I think that to keep everyone safe and comfortable that it would be in the best interest for Anna to switch schools," she said.

"What then? The same thing that happened here is going to continue to happen regardless of what school I go to," I expressed my opinion. Principal Miller smiled and shook her head.

"Not every school Anna, this one is special and includes everything without any cost at all," Principal Miller told me, turning her computer screen to face my parents and I. "Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters is a home for people like you. They take care of your schooling, housing, food, clothes, friends, fun, tutoring, and training. This kind of thing happens more than you would think."

"And we don't have to pay a dime for anything?" my mom questioned.

"Correct," Principal Miller said.

"Then Anna, I think this is what is best for you. Just think about! You could be with other people just like you and they could help you understand your powers," my mom gushed.

"How soon could I go?" I asked.

"Well, it would be best for you to finish off the week here and start fresh on Monday there," Principal Miller advised.

"Then let's pack my bags and get me outta here."

Beautiful Claws by: Tauriel RogersWhere stories live. Discover now