28) Today's Not My Day

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I was so tired from getting back late last night that I hadn't bothered to change my clothes and ended up sleeping in them. The annoying buzz of my alarm woke me up, making me grumble. I reached over and angrily hit the snooze button to make the obnoxious sound turn off. I closed my eyes again, sighing. I really didn't wanna get up and I always set my alarm kinda early so I'd have a few minutes to spare just in case. I smiled as I remembered my date from last night. Maybe I could go on another one with Logan sometime soon? But this time, we should stay closer to the school because I don't want any trouble. I let my thoughts drift until I couldn't remember what I was thinking about and then snapped my eyes open again. "I have to get up now or else I'll fall back asleep" I though to myself as I rubbed my eyes. I lazily opened them again to see sparkly makeup smudged on the back of my hand. "I can just redo my makeup" I shrugged. "Wait, why am I still in my clothes from last night? Didn't I change earlier? Wait! Why didn't the snooze button wake me up again?!" I looked at my clock to see that I was 20 minutes late to my psychology class. Crap. I rushed to change into fresh clothes, threw my hair up in a messy bun, and quickly wiped my left over makeup on the sleeve of my light weight jacket. I grabbed my back pack and raced to my class. 

I threw Professor X's door open, huffing from having to run down 3 flights of stairs. "Good morning Anna, nice of you to finally join us," he smiled with laughter in his voice. I sheepishly nodded as I took my seat and took out my notebook. I reached for a pencil or pen, but my hand found nothing but an empty pouch. As quietly as I could, I tried to unzip it as I pulled it out of my back pack to make sure it was empty. Great, just great. My shoulders sagged as I angrily threw my pouch back in my back pack. I tried to focus as best as I could on what the Professor was lecturing about, but my mind was quickly going blank. I saw a tiny movement out of the corner of my eye, disregarding it as the usual small movements of a classroom. I felt a light tap on my hand and was most grateful to see a pencil hovering in front of my blank notebook page. I smiled as I quickly jotted down the notes from the power point slide before Professor X changed it. "Thank you," I thought. When he turned back around to continue his lecture, he gave me a nod before continuing on. The bell rang some time later, signaling class was out. "Sorry I was late and unprepared. I'll try not to let it happen again," I apologized on my way out. 

"Is Logan starting to distract you from your classes?" Professor X asked. 

"NO!" I shouted, gesturing with my hands. After realizing how loud I was, I said, "I mean no, he's not a bother at all. If anything, it's nice to have him around, especially when people are rude."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing," I quickly responded. Professor X raised an eyebrow, not very convinced. 

"Anna," he started. 

"I have another class to get to," I interrupted. "I don't another to add to my tardy list for the day." I walked away before he could say anything else.

I made it to science class and luckily Jubilee was there to keep my mind off of telling the Professor what was really going on. Jubilee was thrilled to hear that my date was a success and the class seemed to rush by with all the stuff we had to do in there. The rest of my day was great until after lunch as I was coming out of my math class. I was met with the Professor trying to figure out what I was refusing to tell him.

"What are you hiding?" he thought questioned me. I shook my head, attempting to block him out. 

"Don't worry about it. Get out of my head!" I gasped as I crashed into someone, my notebooks, textbooks, and various other school stuff spewing all over the floor. "Sorry," I said harshly, bending down to pick up my stuff as people rushed by. I mentally cursed myself for being such a klutz today, not caring what I order I put things back into my bag. A big hand reached down to help me, making their own pile next to a pair of boots. My hand and the bog hand reached for the same notebook at the same time, causing me to look at my helper. 

"What happened to you?" Logan practically laughed, taking the notebook out from under my hand. I couldn't help but laugh at myself, thinking of how crazy today was already. 

"Today's just not my day I guess," I answered, deciding to keep that notebook out for my next class. Logan looked me up and down, making me freeze on the spot. He took in my thrown together outfit, sloppy hair, and left over make up on my sleeve and gave me an amused look. 

"You're cute when you're flourished and in a hurry."

"Really? It's all your fault you know," I playfully smacked his arm, letting my hand linger there. 

"Is that so bad?" he teased.

"No, I-" the bell signaling for classes cut me off. I groaned. "Not again."


"I'm late to class for the second time today and of all the classes, it had to be Miss Grey's."

I'm sure it'll be fine, especially if I walk you to class," Logan offered.

"You don't need to, she'll probably pick on me because of it."

"Why, because she's jealous that she missed her chance with me?" I met Logan's gaze with a look of disbelief. "She can't bully you forever, eventually someone will turn her in or somebody else will complain about it. Why haven't you told the Professor?" he asked.

"Miss Grey is very intimidating; I don't want to get on her bad side."

"It's too late for that," Logan reminded me.

"So what do I do?"

"Fight back, prove to her that you're not going to let her get to you," he said, stopping in front of her classroom door. 

"Ok," I said weakly. 

"If she gives you anymore trouble, you let me know."

"I will." Logan looked me up and down again as he opened the door for me, making me blush brightly as I walked into class. I looked back at him as I went to take my seat in time to see him give a wave. I smiled, but the smile fell when I saw Miss Grey's piercing gaze. 

"Late to class Anna, you know what that means," she said coolly. Logan frowned and walked in. 

"Jean, it was my fault she was late. Please don't take it out on her," he defended me. 

"What exactly am I supposed to do with you? Give you extra homework instead? It's not like you're a student Logan and even if you were, you wouldn't do the homework anyway because that's how you are," she scolded him in front of everyone. 

"Don't take your problems out on Anna just because you can't go over your gosh damn feelings!" Logan fumed. Jean angrily glared at me, then at Logan. 

"She's still being punished and that's final," Jean said quietly. "Anna has to learn that just because she's dating an X Men doesn't mean she can slack off whenever she feels like it." Logan had nothing to say to that as Jean briskly turned on her heel to continue teaching her class. 

"I tried," Logan mouthed, seeing himself out. I pouted when he left knowing there'd be hell to pay in her class today. 

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