23) Training Is More Than Powers

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"Why so surprised?" Logan asked me. I closed my mouth, not realizing it was open and shrugged.

"I-I um, I just thought that...you know," he gave me a pointed look, "that you'd be so busy doing other things that you wouldn't have time for someone like me," I stumbled over my words. He cocked an eyebrow and I mentally slapped myself for how dumb that sounded, then melted at how hot he looked when he cocked his eyebrow.

"Someone like you? Anna," he put his weights back and I looked at him startled when he grasped my shoulders, feeling glued to the spot at his touch, "how could I not have time for someone like you?" he said, looking me straight in the eye. I could feel my knees going weak and butterflies in my stomach. "You're new here and I can tell you wanna be an X-Men so trust me, I'm going to help you in anyway I can to make sure that happens." I smiled at his words.

"Ok," I said weakly.

"Meet me in the obstacle room tomorrow and I'll teach you how it's done," he said, leaving me in my corner as he went to an exercise machine.

"What has you in such a good mood?" Jubilee asked in science the next day. I was in such a happy mood, surprised that nobody else had bothered to ask yet.

"Logan is going to train me for awhile now," I answered.

"NO WAY!" she squealed, causing everyone to stop and stare at us, "Can't a girl be happy for her friend?" Jubilee retorted. Everyone went back to their microscopes and continued working. "How did that happen?"

"I've mastered my powers and wanted to know what was next. When I went to talk to the Professor about it, he said I had to discover it on my own. I was mumbling to myself while I was working out and Logan thought I was talking to myself. After I explained my predicament, he suggested that he help me out, so that's that," I informed her.

"Maybe he likes you," she teased.

"I highly doubt it, he's totally into Jean."

"But she's seriously in love with Scott and there's no way those two are breaking up. She is off limits for him."

"Maybe, but he's probably old enough to be my dad, so no." Jubilee frowned.

"Nobody knows how old he really is, except for the Professor of course."

"He's older than you girls think. Wolverine has lived through many of history's finest battles and wars," Beast said from behind, causing both of us to look up started. "Don't worry Anna, your secret is safe with me," he reassured me with a warm smile.

"Thank you Beast."

"Be careful though, he can be a bit moody at times and trust me, you do not want to see him angry," he warned.

"I'll keep that in mind."

After public speaking, I sauntered down to the obstacle room. I had never been in there before and I didn't recognize most of the students in there. "Hi Anna!" Kitty panted, stopping for a drink of water.

"Hi, what is this place? I didn't even know it was back here," I asked.

"It's where we can focus on our agility and fist fighting techniques. It looks intimidating, but it's actually really fun. Think of it as a super hero jungle gym," she told me.

"That does sound fun, thanks."

"You're welcome! Anyway, I gotta go, promised Rogue a boardgame match." I looked around, taking everything in.

"I wonder where we'll start?" I thought. I glanced at the clock. "It's been fifteen minutes and he's not here yet." Guess it wouldn't hurt to take a look around. I walked around the perimeter, far enough away from everyone that I wouldn't be in their way. It was pretty much like GRAVADY or Flip 'N Out, but bigger and with some different stuff.

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