27) Jealous Much?

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Logan didn't join me for training, but I worked extra hard on my balance and getting from rope to rope as well as some other obstacles that I felt like doing for fun. "What has you in such a cheery mood?" Kitty asked. I giggled as I hopped down from the monkey bars. 

"Didn't Rogue or somebody tell you?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders.

"Tell me what?"

"I've got a date tonight!" I said attempting to keep my excitement on a down low. 

"Really!?" she squeled. "With who?!" I looked around to double check nobody was listening to our conversation.

"With Logan," I whispered. 

"NO!" Kitty gasped in excited shock. 

"SHHH!!!" I shushed her as several people stared at her sudden outburst. 

"Sorry," she whispered. "When did this happen?" 

"Today during lunch," I told her. 

"What are you going to wear?" 

"I have no idea, something tells me that I don't have to dress up that much to please him."

"True," Kitty agreed. 

"I should probably go get cleaned up now and figure that out cuz I'll have to leave straight from my study session," I realized.

"That's right, study group is meeting in a little less than an hour," Kitty remembered.

"Oh boy, then I better hurry!" I exclaimed. I quickly showered and dried my hair. I threw my clothes out on my bed and all over my floor from my closet and dresser as I figured out what to wear. Finally satisified with the outfit that I had put together, I set to doing my make up and flat ironing my hair. I packed my bag and sprinted down the stairs. I glanced at the time on my phone and saw that I'd be a few minutes late. 

"Sorry I'm late," I said as I sat down with a huff. 

"What took you so long?" Colossus asked, seemingly amused. 

"I...I had to get ready," I said catching my breath. 

"For what?" Bobby asked with a knowing smile on his face.

"For a date," I beamed. Pyro frowned as he took in my appearance, looking me up and down. 

"At least somone is lucky," he muttered under his breath, hunching over his textbook. The rest of us stopped and exchanged looks of concern. I cleared my throat as I propped my book in my lap. We were all frantically looking over our notes and sharing ideas about what we should memorize in case Professor X called on us when Kitty nudged my foot. I looked up in time to see Logan rounding the corner. 

"Hey," he greeted with an embarrassed smile when he saw I was with a group of friends.

"Hey," I smiled back. 

"You ready to go?" he asked. 

"Uh, yeah, I just need to-" I said scrambling to throw everything back in my school bag. 

"It's fine, I've got it. Go have fun and I'll put it in your room when I head back up," Kitty offered. 

"Okay, thanks," I said gratefully. 

"What about study group?" Colossus asked sounding a playfully hurt. 

"Sorry guys, I made plans. I'm sure I can read over everything when I get back or in the morning when I wake up," I assured them. They all turned and went back to their work except for Pyro, who was glaring daggers at Logan. 

Beautiful Claws by: Tauriel RogersWhere stories live. Discover now