19) Trouble

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I hadn't realized I had fallen asleep until there was a knock at my door that I woke up to with a start. "Who is it?" I called.

"It's just me." It was Rogue. I opened the door and let her in. "Are you ok? You didn't come down for lunch and we were supposed to meet up for dinner ten minutes ago."

"Oh, I um, I...I must've fallen asleep," I said, running a hand through my hair. Rogue gave me an unconvinced look. "Pyro kinda stepped over the line while I was training with Iceman today."

"I know, Bobby told me."

"I don't know if I should go tonight cuz he was acting weird around me and I don't want to deal with that right now. A lot of memories that I was trying to bury came back to me today and I want to be alone," I explained myself.

"Anna, just come please? For me? It'll be lots of fun and a great way to show Pyro that your over it," Rogue persuaded.

"You came!" Kitty exclaimed, rushing to give me a hug. After the movie, we went to a buffet because we were all hungry again and they had the best ice cream. I went to get more ice cream, but didn't realize that I had been followed.

"Hey Anna, are we...are we ok?" Pyro asked.

"Why wouldn't we be?" I asked.

"Oh, so...you're not mad about earlier?" he asked confused.

"I'm over it ok? I'd really appreciate if you could just get over it and not talk about it again."

"Alright," Pyro nodded. When we got back to the X mansion as we like to call it, Pyro walked me back to my room. "Did you enjoy tonight?" he asked.

"Yeah, especially the food," I laughed. Pyro smirked and I looked down at my feet suddenly feeling nervous. I felt a hand on my shoulder and glanced to my shoulder, then up at Pyro. He was looking at me in a way that I've never been looked at before and I held my breath, unsure of what was going to happen next. He leaned in, but I was frozen to the spot. Pyro kissed me and I let him, but I didn't kiss back. I put my hand on his chest and pushed him away. He looked at me with hurt in his eyes. "I'm sorry, this doesn't feel right and I-I don't think I like you like that," I slowly admitted. Pyro took a giant step back and nodded, biting his lip.

"I'm sorry to. Um, I'll see you tomorrow I guess," he said sadly. I watched him walk away and went into my room. I let my breath out that I had been holding.

"That was weird," I said out loud. The next day in public speaking, Jean had an announcement for us.

"On Friday we will be going to a museum for a field trip. We can only take thirty students, ten of which will need to be older students. Please be sure to sign up today on the list that is posted on the simulation room door. Professor X, Storm, Scott, and myself will be accompanying you on the trip." After class, I bee lined to the training hall to the simulation room and signed myself up. Rogue, Iceman, and Pyro had already signed up and since we only had to watch the younger ones during the first hour, we could go off and do our own thing during the second hour. I couldn't wait!

Friday came before I knew it and the first hour of the trip seemed to drag on. When we were finally released for lunch, we found a map to figure out where we wanted to eat. "Hey, why don't we check out the food court?" I suggested.


"Let's do it."

"I'm starving." We looked at our options and finally settled on the classis burgers and fries. We were pretty much done eating and were joking around when this group of teenage boys showed up. Right from the start, they looked like trouble and they saw us as trouble to. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat when they started walking towards us and Rogue and I exchanged worried glances. Rogue and I let the boys do most of the talking and I sipped on my milkshake, trying to be as invisible as I possibly could.

"Hey Blondie," I set my shake down and looked at the guy with an uncertain face, "you're awfully quiet. How 'bout we take a little walk? Get the prettiest face here away from these losers," he said with a suggestive tone. I looked at my friends for help with worry and fear in my eyes.

"That's enough man," Pyro said, standing up.

"Oh my apologies, I didn't know she was your girlfriend," the guy said smugly.

"She's not," Pyro told him testily.

"Then what's the big deal?" the guy asked and then realization dawned on his face. "Oh, I see, you have a crush on her, but the real question is, does she feel the same about you?" Pyro glanced back at me with a rejected look on his face. I looked down and stirred my straw around my shake. The guy was about to throw a punch, but Pyro caught his hand.

"That wasn't very smart of you," Pyro said with a threatening tone in his voice.

"Why? What are you gonna do about it?" the guy challenged. Pyro squinted his eyes and focused on the guy's cigarette. I watched in scrutiny, trying to figure out what Pyro was doing. All of a sudden, the guy choked, dropped his cigarette on his shirt, and his shirt caught fire.

"Pyro! What did you do?!" I asked concerned. We were warned not to use our powers in public and here he is, not caring about the consequences for us and everyone else we were with.

"Cut it out," Iceman whispered harshly in Pyro's ear as he put a hand on his arm. Pyro gave him a warning look and Iceman reached his hand out towards the troublesome boys, using his ice powers to put the small fire out. Everyone gasped and the boys looked at his shirt and then back at us alarmed and scared.

"Uh oh," Rogue said under her breath. All of a sudden, everyone around us froze and we looked around trying to solve what happened. I turned to see Professor X and the rest of our group quickly making their way towards us. Jean and Scott hung back with the kids while Professor and Storm came for us.

"What do the group of you think you're doing? Are you trying to cause more problems for us than what there already are?" Storm scolded us angrily.

"It was Pyro's fault," Rogue blamed him.

"You're going to blame this on me?" he asked her angrily. Iceman tried to explain the situation and I looked down feeling ashamed of my self. I looked back up and saw that Professor X was watching the small television screen that was playing the local news channel.

"Um, I'm sorry Professor. I didn't mean to be a part of the trouble or to cause any of it for that matter," I apologized. "Things got out of hand before I even knew what was going on and we tried to stop Pyro, but he didn't listen and then that guy made that comment and-" Professor X raised a hand to quiet me.

"It is quite alright Anna, none of it was your fault," he paused, "and there is nothing wrong with having a pretty face." I looked at him and put a hand to my head, realizing that he had just read my mind. The news flashed to a different story and Professor X looked suddenly worried. "I think now would be a good time to leave. We have more pressing matters to deal with."

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hello readers! I wrote the second half of this chapter based off of one of the opening scenes of X2 and I tried to keep it relatively close to what actually happened, but also put my own twist on things. Hope you liked it and from here on out, the story will be loosely based off of the X2 movie. Enjoy! Please vote and comment ;)

 Enjoy! Please vote and comment ;)

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Beautiful Claws by: Tauriel RogersWhere stories live. Discover now