24) Boys Will Be Boys

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It was Friday night and the usual group of us that go out were coming back from a bowling trip and this time, we made sure to stay out of trouble. I was hungry again  and as I was heading back to my room when I heard something down the hallway. 

I quickly opened my door long enough to put my late night snack on my night stand and hurried back to the hallway, following the noise. It sounded like someone was in pain, causing me to worry even more. I soon found the noise coming from Logan's room and knocked, but when he didn't answer, I quietly opened the door. His room was rather plain and dark, and he was thrashing around, obviously having a bad dream, occasionally calling out.

"Logan, Logan wake up!" I said, but he was dreaming too deeply to hear me. I grabbed his arm, "Logan!" I said a little louder this time. His eyes snapped open, sitting straight up, let out an angry grunt, and I heard a SNIKT! Metal claws came out of his knuckles making me gasp as I felt a sharp pain on my arm and staggered back. Logan looked at me, his face turning to worry when he saw the blood coming out of my arm as I held it to my body. His claws disappeared back into his knuckles and he stood up, cautiously walking over to me. I took a step back, not knowing what he'd do.

"Anna, I...I am so sorry. I would never hurt you like that, it's just that...I can't control it when I have bad dreams. I'm really sorry. Please, let me see how bad it is," Logan pleaded. I shook my head as tears fogged up my vision.

"You hurt me," I said with thick emotion in my voice.

"Anna please, let me fix this," Logan insisted. I shook my head and ran back to my room, tears streaming down my face. Logan followed me, but I didn't stop him when he followed me into my room. I looked at the cut as the blood continued to ooze out while Logan was getting stuff from my bathroom cupboards. He came back with a washcloth, bandage, water bottle, and antiseptic stuff. "Sit down," he guided me to the edge of my bed and poured some water on the washcloth, then placed it over the cut and applied pressure. I moaned at the pain and grimaced, turning my head away from him.

After a few minutes, he flipped the washcloth over and poured the antiseptic stuff on it and applied more pressure to the cut, but it didn't hurt this time. He then lightly dabbed at my wound and examined it closer. "It's not a deep cut; it should heal quickly," he told me. I turned back to face him, wiping away the last of my tears, as he put the bandage over it. "Keep this on there until morning, it'll soak up the blood." I nodded, letting my arm fall slowly to my side. I couldn't bear to look at him, but Logan reached up to cup my cheek in his hand, forcing me to meet his gaze. "I'm sorry," he said again. I could only nod, still lost for words and grateful for the dim lighting in my room so he couldn't see me blush. Logan put the items away that he had gotten out and put the washcloth in my wash bin before leaving.

"Logan," I called, stopping him in my doorway. He turned around to look back at me with a sad expression on his face. I found myself getting up and gently hugging him. "I forgive you," I whispered. Logan hugged me back, pressing my face to his chest. I took in the smell of his cologne, allowing myself to dreamily smile at his scent.

"I won't ever hurt you again, I promise," he told me. I hugged him slightly tighter. I don't know how long we stood there like that, but next thing I knew, I woke up to the sun hitting my face as it peeked through my curtains. I sat up, stretched and yawned. I threw my hair up in a pony tail and changed into some workout clothes before heading down to eat breakfast.

"What is that?" Iceman asked, noticing the large bandage on my arm.

"It's nothing," I quickly stated, hiding my arm under the table and taking a large bite of yogurt. Rogue and Iceman exchanged worried glances.

"It doesn't look like nothing if you ask me," Rogue commented.

"It looks like a cut. Did you do that?" Kitty asked innocently.

"No, well...yes?" I hesitated.

"Bull sh*t," Pyro cursed, setting his fork down and yanking my bandage off. I jumped in alarm and pain as I felt the small hairs on my arm get ripped off with it.

"That's no ordinary cut," Rogue said, as I rubbed my now sore arm.

"There's only person here who could've done that to you," Pyro fumed, angrily stalking over to Wolverine.

"Pyro!" I called following him, "Pyro don't!" I tried to persuade him. "He didn't mean to! It was an accident! It'll heal up by the end of the week and nobody will even know it was there to begin with. It's not even a deep cut!"

"I DON'T CARE!" Pyro yelled back at me, earning the attention of several teachers and students. Pyro slammed his hand on the table in front of Wolverine causing his drink to fall over.

"Are you going to clean that up?" Logan asked both angrily and sarcastically. I could see the steam coming out of Pyro's ears and he turned to walk away, but stopped only to turn back around to punch Wolverine in the face. I covered my mouth with my hands as I gasped in horrid shock at the bone shattering sound that followed. Pyro clutched his punching hand in the other, his facing showing obvious pain, and based on the sound, he probably broke his fingers. "Are you done?" Logan asked annoyed, chugging what was left of his spilled drink. Pyro nodded, still holding his broken fingers. "Good, then you can get me another drink."

"How did that happen?" I asked Logan, referring to Pyro's broken fingers.

"My whole skeletal body is made up of the same stuff as my claws, indestructible adamantium. It's one of the rarest metals on earth as well as one of the strongest," he explained.

"Yeah, no kidding," I joked, rubbing my sore arm as I took my seat next to him.

"You ok?" Logan asked, taking my arm gently so he could inspect it.

"It's sore no thanks to Pyro. He pulled the bandage clean off not thinking that maybe it would hurt," I answered angrily.

"That boy never thinks before he does things." I sighed.

"Well you know what they say, boys will be boys."

Beautiful Claws by: Tauriel RogersWhere stories live. Discover now