chapter 2

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Disclaimer: I do not own HighSchool DxD

Chapter IIKuoh Academy


"Ugh…" A groan erupted from under the covers as the phone kept blaring its infernal alarm.


A groggy hand tried and clumsily to reach that blasted alarm. But that thing just kept coming! Whoever was under those covers was really not in the mood for this as the sounds of growling could be heard.

"Jævla alarm..!" A clearly irritated voice growled, unable to stop the damn noise!

Just as he was about to smash his fist down on it – iPhone be damned, he got lucky and somehow pressed the snooze button. That was preferable as he didn't want to go through all the trouble to buy a new phone.

With the alarm finally silenced the outstretched arm fell to the bedside. Normally, this would be his free day, but…he had to attend to school…dritt.

The bed covers began to rustle and move about as the person began to rise up from his very comfortable bed. Soon, the covers were removed to reveal a young man by the looks of it, but who was another question as his face was covered by frizzy black hair.

Sitting up slowly, the young man gave a silent but big yawn as he stretched his body of any stiff spots…and he had quite a few of them. 'Ahh…that hit the spot…' He moaned appreciatively as his body produced several satisfying pops.

Giving out a deep breath, he grabbed his phone to check the time. Pressing the home button, the home screen came on but he winced and averted his eyes with a groan, his eyes not having adjusted to the brightness.

Once his eyes were the least bit adapted to the light, he looked at the time. He groaned…it was four thirty in the damn morning. He was really pissed off the he had to wake up so fucking early in the morning.

Well…no time to waste…he had some training to do before he went to school…at around ten so he had plenty of time to train.

The young man looked outside of his bedroom window and saw that It was still dark out, but the city lights were shining a bright as ever. He briefly wondered how people sleep with all the lights on.

Looking over to his side, he saw his kitten sleeping soundly on the pillow and couldn't help but chuckle. The hairless kitten was extremely cute when she sleeps…until she was the one who was waking him up. That usually ends up him being scratched to hell.

He could still remember the time when Pip had jumped on his face one morning and relentlessly and mercilessly tried to claw his face off. He could've sworn the forbannet kitten was laughing on the inside, reveling in his pain.

Shaking that thought away, he gave a gentle and affectionate scratch to her which made her purr and placed a blanket over her to keep her warm to ward off the cold.

Turning his body to the edge of the edge of the bed, his feet planted to the cold floor and walked to the washroom. He switched the lights on and the whole room was illuminated.

The washroom was…adequate for him. The wall and floors were tiled with expensive looking and shiny marble, a big bath tub was situated in the far corner, and a shower was at the side.

He went towards the sink and turned on the faucet, time for a little splash of cold water to get the old nerve back into gear. After splashing ice cold water onto his face several times, he turned off the faucet and grabbed a towel that was hanging off the rack and gave himself a quick wipe.

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