chapter 14

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Disclaimer: I do not own HighSchool DxD.

Chapter XIV – A Phoenix Cometh

"Aw, c'mon, man. Can't you give us a little hint?" Saji whined, looking between Kyuren and Sona as they were playing chess.

It had been two weeks since the the had started their project, and Kyuren could definitely say that they were right on schedule.

In those two weeks, Kyuren had completed the repulsor thruster boots, and was one third of the way to the completion of the gauntlets. And this week, he was expecting the delivery of the core he was going to build for the suit's power source.

Until then, his focus was on the gauntlets before he could make the power source.

While it was indeed slow going and still incomplete, Sona was confident that she had figured out what was needed for a successful neural connection. It would take at least another month, but it was more than enough time to perfect it.

And every time Kyuren comes to the Student Council for his and Sona's chess game, Saji would always ask about their project.

The heiress and the human would always give him a sideways smirk and that's what they just did. "All in good time, Saji." They both said at the same time.

"But it's been two weeks. I promise I won't tell." The blonde all but begged as the rest of the peerage watched in mild amusement.

Especially Saji's two girlfriends, Momo and Ruruka. Yes, the three of them were together. In most societies, this would appear taboo, but devils didn't really care. Most of them had harems anyway.

Besides, the two girls had agreed to share Saji with each other...but no more than them or Saji would kiss that which makes him a male goodbye. Saji hastily assured them that they were all that he wanted whilst covering his precious jewels.

Kyuren chuckled and moved his piece. "And where's the fun if we told you? You can wait three or so more months, right?"

", to hell with it!" Saji threw his hands up, apparently giving up trying to make them tell him, and sat on the couch with his two girls.

"I thought he'd never leave." The raven haired teen muttered to Sona.

"Yeah, but let's continue." Yes, two weeks had really done wonders in their friendship.

And in that time, the two had gotten quite close to each other. Not quite at the level of romance, but as two very close friends.

Sona had learned more about Kyuren's personal life in Norway, and him in general. And in turn, told him about herself.

She had learned quite a bit about her partner and he learned a bit about her. Things like likes, dislikes, hobbies, basically anything that would make a good conversation about it. Especially about future ambitions.

Sona moved her knight to position as she remembered telling Kyuren about her ambition with a fond smile.


Twelve days into their project and everything was going smoothly for Kyuren and Sona. All morning, they had been working on their respective assignments and now, they were at the dining room for some lunch before heading back down.

Kyuren sat opposite to Sona and the two partners engaged in small talk as they waited for their meal to arrive while Pip was happily eating her meal.

"So, tell me, Kyuren. What are your ambitions for when you go back to Norway?" She asked. The Sitri heiress had grown comfortable in his company and felt that her partner was someone she could talk to freely.

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