chapter 5

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Disclaimer: I do not own HighSchool DxD

Chapter V – The Supernatural

"Whoa!" Issei fell down on the floor with a thud and groaned. "Ah, shit. That hurts." He rubbed his aching head whilst trying to stand up.

"Try not to jump through the teleportation circle next time, Issei." A female voice giggled in front of him and Issei looked up to see the red haired beauty standing before him...and was giving him a decent shot at her panties!

'Oh, baby! Now that's some fine piece of underwear!' Issei could tell that this was a lacy thong and he could see the camel toe. 'What I wouldn't give to take those off.'

Before he could stare any longer, Rias moved away, making Issei head fall in sadness. 'So fucking close!' He whined in his head.

"Now, Issei, Kyuren. I welcome you to the Occult Research Club." Rias motioned to the room. The club room interior was a wood paneled room with Victorian style furniture. On one side, there was actually a fully functional bath, and there was a large circle similar to the one Rias used to get here.

Issei rose to his feet and looked around. 'So, this is the Occult Research Club, eh?' He had heard from his pals that Rias Gremory and Akeno Himejima, the two most popular girls in school were members here.

It was some kind of club that deals with the supernatural or some shit. Or at least, that's what everyone say. But they all just dismissed it as being some secret handout for the most popular kids.

And Issei thought along the same lines as well. He thougt that the ORC was nothing more than some glorified club, or was just named that way.

Who knew that Rias Gremory could do magic...

Then Issei remembered something. There was someone with him when he jumped through that circle. Kyuren! That's right, he was with him! Looking over to his left, Issei saw what he was looking for.

There was Kyuren standing tall. 'Damn, the man just exuded power just by standing beside him.' Issei thought to himself, feeling a little insignificant compared to Kyuren.

The guy saved his life back there and he was freakishly strong! Yuuma or whatever she is didn't even stand a fucking chance! And he saw how he smashed that big boulder like it was nothing.

'Man, I'm so glad I didn't piss him off the other day.' Issei gulped down the lump in his throat, remembering the day when he made the mistake of pushing his luck and trying to pick a fight with him.

If Kyuren had punched Issei like he did with Yuuma...then there would be nothing left of the pervert but a stain on the wall.

"All right, red. We're here at your little hide away. Now, do you mind telling me what just happened back there?" Kyuren asked, folding his arms over his chest. He was becoming impatient with this; it was just like bureaucracy.

Rias sat down on her chair as the doors opened. Kyuren and Issei turned their eyes on the doors and saw who entered the room. It was Akeno Himejima, Koneko Toujou, and Kiba Yuuto.

Kyuren didn't know them all that well, but he knew of their reputation. Akeno Himejima was Rias' right hand woman. He had a small run in with her, but Kyuren didn't really pay attention and just introduced himself. She was a nice girl…a little too nice.

Koneko Toujou was a petite girl and was considered the mascot of Kuoh Academy. She didn't talk that much and usually just minded her business, which Kyuren had no problem with.

The next was Kiba Yuuto. Amongst all of them, Kiba was someone who Kyuren had met up at a relatively frequent rate. The two would bump into each other from time to time but it was all friendly.

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