chapter 17

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Disclaimer: I do not own HighSchool DxD.

Chapter XVII – For Every Action, There Is A Reaction

The current state of the Underworld could only be described by two words: utter chaos.

It had been a few hours since the Gremory reception of the supposed wedding between Rias and Riser that ended in disaster with Riser literally being blown to a bloody puddle.

Not only that, but also Sirzechs Lucifer, widely regarded as the most powerful devil alive, was severely injured when he was blown through the mansion and beyond.

One might ask, who was powerful enough to singlehandedly obliterate a fully powered Phenex, and and cripple the Devil King. Whoever was responsible was surely a force to be reckoned with.

But it wasn't another devil, it wasn't an angel, it wasn't a fallen angel, in fact, it wasn't even a supernatural being that did those things. It was something completely and utterly unexpected.

It was a human that did it.

A human that laid bare an incredible amount of power and displayed unbelievable strength when with just one punch each, he destroyed Riser Phenex when he challenged him and injured the Devil King to the point where he had to be bed ridden.

Needless to say, every devil there was frightened by the show of brute strength especially when one of their leaders was put down before their very eyes.

"Clearly, this is an unexpected turn of events." A handsome young man with light blue eyes and slicked back green hair said. This was Ajuka Beezlebub, one of the Four Great Satans and chief adviser for the Technology Department.

This was an emergency meeting called upon by the Satans because of what happened earlier. And this included some Lords of some clans like the Sitri, Gremory, Bael, and the Phenex.

Ajuka was busy doing his hobby which is tinkering until he got the news that Sirzechs was severely injured. He dropped everything and went straight for his friend's location.

"Normally, I'd just be lazing around. But this is extremely serious." A bald man with a goatee said. This was Falbium Asmodeus, the Maou in charge of the Military.

When had heard what happened and he had to check his sense of hearing and jumpstart his mind. Falbium was rarely surprised, but to hear that Riser Phenex's body had been destroyed and Sirzechs severely injured by a human shocked him.

Suffice to say, he actually got off his lazy ass to attend the emergency meeting.

"But how did this happen?" A beautiful young woman with long black hair tied into twin tails and violet eyes. She also wears, as unusual as it is, a magical girl outfit. This was Serafall Leviathan, the Maou in charge of Foreign Affairs.

Normally, she was very cheerful and childlike, but not at this time. Hearing that her fellow Maou was hurt was reason enough to require her presence, but what really made her go was because her sister was also there.

Leviathan loved her sister to death and hearing that she was there really made her worry. What if whoever attacked Sirzechs turned his attention towards her little sister? She couldn't bear the thought of Sona getting hurt.

Serafall looked over to the Gremory patriarch who looked absolutely distraught despite his best attempts to hide it behind her stoic mask. "How is Sirzechs doing?" She asked worriedly and all the Maous and Lords looked at the Zeoticus for the answer.

He gave a shaky sigh. "Sirzechs had his ribcage crushed, his spine almost broken, a broken neck, a cracked skull, numerous bones snapped, many of his internal organs have been damaged...I have never seen him in such a state."

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