chapter 21

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Chapter XXI – Past And Present Issues

Raynare breathed out a sigh after she reappeared in a swirl of feathers in her safe house in Tokyo with her team. They were ordered by the leaders of their organization to keep careful surveillance on Kyuren Kaizer Avynzen.

A human so powerful that he almost killed one of the Devil Kings with one strike if the reports were reliable. But Raynare knew they were because she fell victim to his might once before.

When she told Dohnaseek, Kalawarner and Mittelt that they were going back in the field, they were ecstatic and eager to get back into the swing of things and the same could be said for Raynare.

Like her, her team had gone through rigorous training after their punishment for disobeying the direct orders of the Governor General. They were sentenced to severe disciplinary actions and were restricted from going on further missions until such a time the higher ups have deemed them ready to return to active duty.

But they used that time to better themselves and grew stronger than their first encounter in Kuoh. And they would prove their worth and strength in due time.

"Raynare, glad you made it back." Dohnaseek said with a nod. "We were beginning to worry that something had happened."

"No need to worry about me." She plopped down on the sofa with Mittelt who was munching on a chocolate bar. "The deal is done and the rest is up to him now."

Mittlet swallowed her mouthful. "So...what now? Wait for shit to go down."

Raynare shrugged. "Pretty much, yeah. We really can't set foot back in Kuoh with this going least not being seen." She could hear the murmurs of agreement from her team. Between the stunt they pulled and the shit stain known as Kokabiel stirring up trouble, Fallen Angels were not welcome in Devil Territory.

"Then I guess we should make ourselves comfortable." Kalawarner piped up. "We're gonna be here for a while until the higher ups says so otherwise."

"Right. You guys make sure this place is up and running." Raynare stood up from the sofa. "I'm going to give Azazel the good news."

"You got it." With that, the three went to work while Raynare went to her room to contact and inform their heads of the new development.

Closing the door behind her, the young Fallen Angel sighed and stripped down to her underwear and put on some fresh clothes. Once covered up, Raynare grabbed her laptop and began to establish a link back to headquarters.

This may just be a simple laptop but it was special equipment given to their spies deep within enemy territory linked back to one of the many information centers of Grigori.

But Raynare's was specifically linked to the Governor General's own because him, Shemhazai and...Barquiel wanted to keep this under wraps for now.

"Raynare, am I correct to assume that things went according to plan?" Azazel asked, his face showing on the screen.

"Yes." She nodded. "I delivered the intel to him and he had grudgingly agreed to take action against Kokabiel. I think it's possible that he went to the devils with it."

The Governor General nodded. "I see, that should give them a little heads-up for Kokabiel's little plans...that is, considering they believe it."

"They'd have to be damn idiots not to." She said that made Azazel chuckle at her comment. "Any word from the church, sir?"

"So far, nothing yet, but I can bet my secret stash of sake that they already found out that their precious swords are missing and I wouldn't put it past Kokabiel to leave a trail leading back to Kuoh."

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