chapter 19

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Disclaimer: I do not own HighSchool DxD.

Chapter XIX – Clearing Things Up

Sona had never felt like this before. Yes, she was laughed at, became a laughing stock for the elders because of her ideas. She had felt so insulted and disgraced, but the Sitri heiress didn't let it show. She would not let them the satisfaction.

But...why was she feeling so...down...? The elders laughing and trampling over what she believed in, Sona could handle...but why was it different for Kyuren?

When he had ignored her without even saying something, she felt like something was strained inside of her. It felt like a needle was digging into her chest.

The Sitri heiress looked dignified as she should be on the outside but inside, she was being torn asunder by the guilt and sadness she was feeling. She had looked into Kyuren's eyes and she knew that he did too...but they didn't have that certain warmth she had come to know instead it was cold indifference.

It was like Kyuren didn't even consider her a friend she was a stranger to him. The mere thought worried Sona because...because...

The Sitri heiress was broken from her thoughts when she felt someone tapping on her arm. Temporarily shaking off her thoughts, Sona turned her head and saw Tsubaki looking at her with a slightly worried expression.

"Sona, are you all right?" She asked, wanting to make sure that her mistress was holding up okay. Tsubaki knew that Sona and Kyuren were close, but after what happened earlier...she didn't know where they stood now.

To her credit, Sona nodded. "Yes, I am." She replied stoically, hiding her fears behind her serious exterior cultivated for years.

Tsubaki wanted to say more but there really isn't much one could say here. Sona was beating herself up for the way Kyuren was acting around them.

It was her mistress' fault that that happened. And she hoped that things between them get better before everything all goes to hell, no pun intended.

"...He may just need some time to calm down some more." Tsubaki supplied, trying to lighten her King's mood a little.

Well, that is a possibility. Her partner just might need some more time to cool off. After all, she would too if someone kidnapped her from her home and demanded entertainment from her.

Yes, she would be very pissed if that happened.

Still though...Sona was still worried. It was her responsibility as the Student Council President to look after a fellow student and she failed in that.

It made her feel guilty that she had failed in keeping her partner put of her race's mess.

"I do not know, Tsubaki. We can only hope for the best." Sona sighed, herself hoping that Kyuren would understand and accept her apology...that is, if he wanted to talk to her.

Her queen nodded in understanding. The only thing they can do in this situation was to hope for the best really.

Soon, the two came into the classroom and almost immediately, Sona spotted the man who she wanted to talk to. Their eyes met briefly and the Sitri heiress could see the fire in his eyes and couldn't help but flinch.

Yep, he was still really pissed but despite all that, she managed to give him a small smile.

To her relief, the raven haired teen's gaze softened and returned her gesture with his own smile before turning away. Sona felt a little at ease to see him do that and it did not go unnoticed by Tsubaki.

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