chapter 20

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Disclaimer: I do not own High School DxD.

Special thanks to duked for being the beta for this chapter.

Chapter XX – Family Matters And A Plot

Night has fallen over the city of Tokyo, but still, the city does not sleep as the many lights came alive, sparkling in the dark. Everywhere you look, people are still clamoring about. While some were going home to rest after a long day's work, most were going out to have some fun.

Yes, everything and everyone seems like this was going to be another normal night in the streets of Tokyo. But high in the private penthouse suite of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, a certain someone did not share in the joy.

Kyuren was standing out in the balcony, looking over the city and the light show it was giving him. The cool gentle breeze swept through his skin as his hair flowed with it.

The view was calming, makes you relax and unwind from all the stress from today. But this would not be enough to calm, much less lighten Kyuren's sour mood.

His expression was that of annoyance. Why you may ask? Well, he and his partner, Sona Sitri, had almost finished their project in its entirety, he had cleared things up with her regarding that little fiasco, he even got an unexpected visit from an old friend.

Everything was going all right for once. But that all changed when his friend came to him with some very intriguing and frustrating information.


The raven haired teen narrowed his eyes at Raynare. What was she talking about? What was the problem and more importantly, how did it involve him?

These sort of questions ran through his mind as he gauged the Fallen Angel before him. He could tell that this was not the same Raynare he had met and beaten in that park months prior. He could see it in her eyes…she was better than ever and that made him smirk internally.

It looked like she took his word for her to train like hell to heart and considering he was still much stronger than her…he was curious to see where she stood now.

But first, he had business to attend to.

"Sit." Kyuren motioned to the sofas in the living room and the Fallen Angel nodded before the two walked towards them. "Now…" The raven haired teen sat comfortable on the sofa opposite to Raynare. "What brings you here to my home unannounced?"

This young woman before him was considered a friend to an extent so he could overlook her breaking into his home. IF she had a very good reason.

Hearing the sharp edge at the last word, Raynare mentally winced. She had forgotten; this was a guy who demands respect and if you didn't, bad things were sure to happen. So…her trespassing in his home may be a little stretching her luck.

"Yeah, about that…sorry." She chuckled sheepishly with a slight blush. "I just thought I'd drop by and say hello." She glanced at the kitten on his lap glaring at her as if it was vying for her blood. "I never thought you'd have a guard cat here."

At that, Kyuren gave an amused chuckle while Pip hissed dangerously. She hadn't forgotten how they first met. This black feathered chicken tried to kill her and her master! So, it's a little tough for Pip to overlook that small crucial detail.

The raven haired teen smiled and scratched his kitten's ear, slightly calming her down. "And I think you're lying." He gave Raynare a carefree smile to her own frown. "Raynare, just come clean. Why are you really here?" He could think of one reason but he needed to be sure.

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