chapter 12

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Disclaimer: I do not own HighSchool DxD

Chapter XII – Let Us Begin

The next day, Sona and Tsubaki just finished their first class and were now walking back to the Student Council room to check up on things.

"I assume that your talk with Kyuren-san went well, Sona-sama?" Tsubaki asked to her king.

Sona nodded with an almost unnoticeable smile. "Yes, but we unanimously agreed that it be kept a secret until the Science Fair." It just wouldn't do. The Iron Man armor they would build would no doubt attract unwanted attention.

Of course it was better to keep it under wraps until it was ready.

She still couldn't believe that Kyuren had managed to design just that. The Sitri heiress looked over the design with a very critical eye and couldn't see any problems with it.

It was just so well designed; Kyuren was probably working on this for years and perfected his design over that time.

Tsubaki nodded. She held no illusion in this; if Kyuren and Sona were on the same team, then they had already won. This was just a battle for second place.

On another note, Tsubaki had also noticed that Sona had begun to look forward the time Kyuren was coming to the Council room for their chess game and to have a little chat.

It didn't take a genius to realize that Sona was slowly becoming attracted to the raven haired teen, and Tsubaki wondered that it was the same for him.

Though he had his own fair share of faults, the raven haired teen was a good match for Tsubaki's king. Only time will tell, but for now, she would keep quiet about this.

"I have heard that Saji has asked Ruruka and Momo to have a talk with him. Do you think he finally realized it?" Sona asked. She had known that Saji was smitten with her, but he wasn't exactly her type.

He was a nice boy and Sona cared about him, but only as far as siblings go. And there was Momo and Ruruka, the Sitri heiress knew they both harbored romantic feelings towards Saji.

She didn't want to break the girls' heart so Sona had been hoping that her pawn would notice their feelings for him. And now, it might just happen.

Tsubaki nodded, having also got wind of it. "Yes, I have. No matter how it turns out, at least they'd get closure, don't you think?"

Sona hummed in the affirmative. Like Rias, she viewed her peerage like a second family though she was much stricter compared to her friend. It wouldn't do that some of her pieces had conflicting feelings. She wanted them to be comfortable and performed at their very best.

If things went well, then Saji might just give up on getting her to fall for him and focus on the two girls that had genuine feelings for him. It wasn't necessarily illegal to have multiple significant others in Devil Society...or in any of the Three Factions except for the Angels' side.

A devil could have as many spouses as he or she so desired, and as much Sona wanted to wring her neck for this, that Issei could become a Harem King if he so wished for it. That is, if he can find women that are actually willing to.

Don't get her wrong, Issei is a nice boy and all, but he's just so fixated on breasts that it wasn't even funny. What Rias saw in him, Sona didn't really want to know.

Soon, they came upon the Council room and entered. Only a few were there since the others were still in class. After greeting those inside, Sona and Tsubaki began their going over the usual things for the day.

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