chapter 29

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Disclaimer: I do not own High School DxD.

Chapter XXVIII – A Common Enemy

There was no way around it...Kyuren was bored as fuck. There was literally nothing left to do here.

The raven haired teen was lying on his sofa, staring at the ceiling. Pip was lying on her back on his stomach staring at the ceiling as well. What the hell were they going to do now? Kyuren had already played the hell out of Outlast 2 with the lights off, read some fanfiction on the net, spend all afternoon in his pool, trained for hours in the gym, and he already ate dinner.

Well he could hang out with Raynare again but she called him yesterday to cancel their get together for now. He understood because they wouldn't be able to have some fun if Kokabiel was still running around.

Kyuren could always go to sleep but they weren't tired yet.

"I'm bored." Kyuren said in a dull voice.

"Meew." Pip replied that he knew she agreed with him.

"There's nothing to do any more."


There was a moment of silence between the two before Kyuren's stomach growled, making Pip jump in surprise. "Hmm, guess dinner wasn't enough." He chuckled.

Pip narrowed her eyes at him before hopping off. "Meew~"

The raven haired teen raised a brow. "Oh, so you're hungry too?" His cat just titled her head before blinking. If one has raised a newborn kitten like Kyuren has, they'd probably know those tiny little signals that were unique to every cat. And in this case, she was also hungry.

"All right, let's see what's in the fridge." The powerful human and his cat made their way to the kitchen to grab a tiny snack and went straight for the fridge.

Kyuren opened it and peered into it. Well it was fully stocked since he did some grocery shopping just two days ago. But he had this strange craving for something he hasn't tasted in a long time.

Smirking, he closed the lid and leaned on the counter. "Hey, like pie?" The moment he asked that, he could have sworn his cat's eyes light up like Christmas.

"Meew~" Oh she knew what her master was getting at!

"Do you like...coconut cream pie?" It was by far his favorite variety of pie there is. He smiled when Pip began clawing up his pants. It would appear that she really wanted that pie.

Ah, he could still remember the first time he let Pip get a taste of coconut pie. The first time that sweet delectable treat made it into her mouth, the little bugger stole the whole damn pie and almost gorged herself in it.

Thankfully, Kyuren was able to get it back before she could eat too much of it. While coconuts are not exactly toxic to cats, eating too much would cause them to fatten up and cause complications to the liver.

And that was something he didn't want to happen to his pet. So he only gives her small portions and that's it. Scratch him to hell if she wants, Kyuren will not lose her over this.

Besides...more for him so…yay.

"All right, all right." He said and Pip let put a loud meow in joy. "Let me just get my stuff."

Kyuren went up stairs and grabbed his wallet, phone, and keys. He almost went for his overcoat and scarf before shaking his head and going for a simple was just a short trip, no need to ruin his perfectly good overcoat and scarf for that.

And besides, he didn't need that to look good anyway.

With everything set, he went down the stairs. "Pip, c'mon, let's go." He called out to his cat and she bounded over to him. The raven haired teen held out his arm and she climbed onto him and settled on his shoulder.

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