chapter 25

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Chapter XXV – Friends Or Foes

In the Occult Research Clubroom, Rias and her peerage were waiting for Sona and her own to discuss the situation between themselves and how were they going to handle the situation they were in.

The Gremory heiress was sipping on some tea made by Akeno. 'Another Fallen Angels in threatening Kuoh...and this time, he's from the Leader Class. Even if Sona and I combine forces...I doubt we could pull this off...'

In another time and place, Rias would probably say that she and her household would be more than enough to stop the threat.

Well...if that was the case now, she would definitely be biting off more than she could chew.

Thinking about it rationally, Rias understood that even if she was a high ranking Devil, even if she was more powerful than she currently was...she could not defeat a Cadre Class Fallen Angel even with the help of her peerage.

Her new way of thinking was thanks to the shakedown her family had given her recently. Rias sighed, looking back, she really did mess up when she decided to not send a report to them about the incident a few months ago up the chain.

Though her intentions were good (at least to her), she now understood that decisions that big were not to be taken likely...there will always be consequences...she understands that now.

But still...there was one thing on her mind...their minds that they could not help but ponder on.

Kyuren Kaizer Avynzen.

Rias, Akeno, Koneko, Kiba, and Issei were all still stunned by what he did in the Underworld. They knew he was indeed powerful...but it never crossed their minds that he was more than capable of bringing one of the most powerful beings in existence to his one swift attack no less!

Compared to him, they were like ants. They were hopelessly...hilariously outmatched and that bothered them.

It bothered them that Kyuren was far more powerful than them. It bothered them that he was a (claimed to be, at least) human and yet he was more powerful than all of them combined!

All of them felt a little insulted at that. They were supposed to be Devils and yet...they were outclassed by a race that was supposed to be inferior in every damn way.

But among them, the current wielder of the Boosted Gear felt the most animosity.

Issei clenched his fists tight. Kyuren...the very mention of that name was enough to make his blood boil and ruin his day.

'That bastard...first he let Asia die, then he almost made Rias lose her brother. And if that wasn't enough HE made her family turn against her!' The Hyoudou boy promised himself that he would never let Rias or anyone else close to him cry...but thanks to Kyuren, he failed.

He would've charged right up to that fucking asshole had he not remembered just who he was charging at.

It frustrated Issei that Kyuren was stronger but then, his stupid gear just had to rub it into his face!


"Dammit!" Issei punched the wall and immediately regretted it as pain rushed up his arm. "Argh! Son of a bitch!"

Issei had failed again...he failed his friends again because he was too damn weak! He thought that he could save Rias from that fried chicken of a prick and he would've won that fight!

But then...that Kyuren just had to show up and steal his chance. And to top it all off, Kyuren almost killed Rias' own brother!

"That ruthless heartless bastard." He growled in rage. How dare he try and kill his King's brother like that! He really has no heart. "When I get the chance, I'll kick his ass so hard he's gonna wish he hadn't-"

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