chapter 22

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Chapter XXII – Preparations and Punishments

Sona walked briskly behind her parents as they made their way to the meeting chamber where the Devil Kings were convening. Most likely, this is about the information given to them by Kyuren.

There was also a good chance that Rias was also summoned along with her family for another possible reason.

The Sitri heiress cursed herself for not taking action before and now, she and Rias would have to deal with the consequences of their stupid mistakes.

Deep down, Sona knew that this was going to happen sooner or later. After all, if Rias had succeeded and neutralized those Fallen Angels, the need to alert the authorities would not be necessary.

But she failed to accomplish it.

By no means was Sona blaming her red-haired friend, that would be inconsiderate and irresponsible for her part. She couldn't just place the blame on Rias because she too was at fault here and she sees that now.

No matter what angle you look at it, Sona should have gone directly to someone about this the moment they got wind of it. Serafall was a total no go for a damn good reason, but she should've informed her parents. At least then, somebody knew if things went to shit.

Which it did.

Sona had left her peerage back at the estate because this didn't involve them in the slightest. She was their king and leader, it was her fault that they were in this mess. The blame rested on her shoulders and she would not let her peerage get heat over her mistakes.

It would be immature and downright cruel on her part.

The Sitri heiress stopped by the twin doors leading to the chamber and she gave out a sigh. Well, like they always was time to face the music.

"Lord and Lady Sitri, and Lady Sona." One servant bowed in greeting before holding the door open for them. "Please, the Devil Kings are expecting you."

"Thank you. Are there anyone else in there?" Claudius asked, expecting a certain family was also here from one of the same reasons they were here as well.

"Yes, Lord and Lady Gremory as well as Lady Rias are also in attendance. Ms. Grayfia Lucifage is also in attendance in the place of Lord Sirzechs."

Claudius and Inza nodded. It would seem that Zeoticus and Venelana had also been informed of their daughters...past adventures. Grayfia being here came to no surprise to them seeing as she was Sirzech's queen and wife; it was her duty to be here if it concerned the security of their home and race.

Sona expected as much when she heard that. She wouldn't be surprised if Rias had gotten an earful from her parents.

With everything said, the trio crossed the threshold of the doors and entered the chambers as the door was closed shut. Sona could see that Rias and her parents were there but Lord and Lady Gremory were indeed serious but not radiating disappointment and Rias was in on the same boat.

Pity...that would change in a second.

Looking at the table, she could see Ajuka and Falbium had very serious expression etched on their faces. For now, at least, their attention was focused elsewhere.

When Serafall had called for an emergency meeting all of a sudden, Ajuka Beelzebub was rather curious with this turn of events...maybe even a bit worried actually.

For one thing, his bubbly compatriot had never called for an emergency meeting before. If anything, this had to be something of great importance if it forced Serafall to blow the proverbial whistle.

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