chapter 24

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Disclaimer: I do not own High School DxD.

Chapter XXIV – Comforting An Heiress

'This is such a drag.' A young man with blonde hair, green eyes, and dressed in priest clothes said to himself as he walked through the halls of the Vatican. This young fellow is Dulio Gesualdo, an exorcist and a reincarnated Angel under the Archangel Michael's employ as his Joker.

He was very much enjoying his travels to find the most delectable cuisines the world has to offer which landed him in Brazil, and then this happens. Being called back to this place under the direct orders of Uriel and Raphael.

Do you know how much time he spent in that plane when he should be sampling foods?

As much as he wanted not to, Dulio had no choice in the matter. That, and they threatened to lock him up and only feed him mediocre meals. He couldn't risk that one.

The Joker let out a bored sigh. Contrary to popular belief, he was not travelling the world in search of the most mouthwatering meals just for his own personal enjoyment…well…maybe just a little. But real reason was that he could learn how to make them and bring them back to the children in the orphanage.

An orphan himself, he knew all too well what it was like to grow up without the love and care of a parent. Dulio just wants them to experience at least one good thing life has to offer.

But he won't be able to do that now.

Eventually, he came upon the main church and was briefly surprised at the amount of angels and priests moving about. What happened here?

His curiosity got the better of him and the Joker flagged down a passing priest. "Excuse me, sir, but what happened here?"

The priest recognized that this was Dulio and bowed his head in respect. "You haven't heard? A group of Fallen Angels broke in and stole all but two of the Excalibur swords."

At that, Dulio's eyes widened in surprise. Now he knew just why he was called back, this was deadly serious. Nodding his thanks, he raced into the church.

He cut corners, passing through bewildered Angels and priests alike before he entered the inner most parts of the church exclusively used for Angels.

"Sir, the Archangels Raphael and Uriel are waiting for you inside." A guard said as he opened the door.

"Thanks." With that, he entered the chambers to find out what the hell was going on here.

Inside was Raphael and Uriel, they were conversing on something that the Joker couldn't make out, and decided to make himself known. "Lords Raphael and Uriel, what's going on here? Why am I hearing Fallen Angels stole the Excalibur swords?"

The two Archangels looked at him before sighing. "You heard right, Dulio. The Excalibur swords were stolen right here." Uriel said before nodding towards the chairs. "Take a seat, we have much to discuss."

Dulio did what he was told and made himself comfortable. Raphael passed him a folder containing a copy of the reports and the Joker began sifting through it.

"About forty six hours ago, a group of Fallen Angels somehow managed to breach our defenses and stole most of the swords and then just vanished without a trace."

"But how did they manage that?" Dulio asked. "We should've detected them the moment they entered the city."

Raphael and Uriel nodded. "Yes, that's true, but they had some…help." Uriel muttered and at the same time, Dulio found out what that help was.

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