chapter 15

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Disclaimer: I do not own HighSchool DxD.

Chapter XV – A Gracious Friend, A Terrible Enemy

The Underworld. There are many names for it. Hell being the most popular nowadays. A place of ever burning flames and darkness. It is said that only the wicked and the most despicable of beings reside there to be punished for their sins.

That's what most people believe. That Hell was the place where people who did very bad things go to live in eternal pain.

And they would be right. Just not the whole never ending inferno and blackness.

The truth was, Hell was but a small part of the Underworld. It was actually not that different from the human world. It had blossoming flora and fauna of its own kind.

And the inhabitants of it, the devils, were a little bit stereotyped. It was true that some devils have been a bit naughty but not all were as evil and despicable as human imagination played them out to be.

They were actually quite civilized with some flaws but that was to be expected.

And in the residence of one of the current Maous, Sirzechs Lucifer, formerly Gremory, it was just one of those days.

Ever since the end of the Great War and the deaths of the original Satans, he and his other Maous had been working tirelessly to rebuild their home and move on.

Right now, Sirzechs was lazing around in his chair. It was rare for him to get some rest and relaxation and by his namesake, he'll enjoy every last second of it.

The past few hours, he had been busy with all the burdens one would expect from governing an entire race. It gets pretty tiring.

But at least Grayfia wasn't here to kick his ass.

"My lord Sirzechs. Are you lazing around again?" Hearing the very familiar voice of his wife, the devil king's eyes shot open before sitting up straighter.

"What? No, I'm not." He chuckled nervously but he saw Grayfia staring at him with an unreadable expression and he gulped. "Okay, I was. But I was done with my work. See?"

Grayfia looked at his desk and saw that it was surprisingly neat and it looked like he was indeed done with his duties. Nodding, the strongest queen returned her gaze to her king. "My apologies Lord Sirzechs. But there is an urgent matter I wish to speak to you."

He raised a curious brow, interested at what his wife and maid was about to say. Nodding his consent, Sirzechs listened closely.

"As per your orders, I went to the human world to inform Lady Rias of her impending marriage with Lord Riser." She said and her king frowned slightly.

It was a mistake to write that marriage contract and he knew it. At the time, the idea wasn't so bad. There aren't many pureblood devils left in existence so him, his father, and Lord and Lady Phoenix had come up with a marriage contract between Rias and Riser.

The devil king knew Rias would be upset with them for putting this on her, but he thought that she would accept it. After all, the Phoenix clan hadn't rubbed him off in the wrong way.

The majority of them were humble, polite, and agreeable people. Of course, there are some flaws but it was minor in comparison. So, it seemed like a good idea to arrange the marriage.

Sirzechs had thought that Riser would he just like his mother and father when he grows up. But things didn't go that way. They boy became arrogant and, for the lack of a better term, an asshole.

And from the moment those two had met, how Riser treated his sister, Sirzechs had decided then and there to terminate the marriage agreement.

He had talked to his parents about this, but even if they did want out of the marriage, it was not to be.

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