chapter 3

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Disclaimer: I do not own HighSchool DxD

Chapter III – First Day Troubles

"You have to do better than that, boy!"

A man roared, blocking a punch from a younger aged Kyuren before following through with a right hook of his own.

Kyuren tried to block it but the other man had a far stronger farce behind his punch and shattered the young Kyuren's defenses and made contact with Kyuren's cheek, making the boy cry out in pain and was sent flying backwards.

The boy crashed to a tree with so much force that his body formed an imprint. Kyuren groaned in pain at the last hit. Since this little spar had begun, Kyuren, no matter how strong he was now, he was sorely outclassed and outgunned.

Drops of blood landed on the ground signifying that Kyuren was again wounded. The boy gritted his teeth in frustration. He had yet to even land a fucking hit on the man opposite to him. His body was covered with bruises and cuts, but that didn't mean shit.

His only concern...was to land one powerful hit.

Trying to get up was like setting his body on fire. With so many injuries and hits Kyuren had to endure, ever movement he did hurt like living hell.

But the pain was good. It let him know that he was still drawing a breath, he was still in the fight. And fight, he shall until his body could no longer function or he was rendered deceased.

His pride was screaming at him to not let himself be defeated like this. Not again. Sometimes his pride was his greatest weapon and his worst enemy and curse.

"Hmph, why did I even agree to teach you if you can't even stand up from a simple punch." His so called teacher chastised in a gruff voice. "If you will not stand and fight, you are not worthy of being my student, weakling!"

Kyuren's eyes burned with rage as he sprung up with amazing speed towards his teacher. "DON'T CALL ME WEAK!" He screamed out as the boy delivered punch after punch, kick after kick.

"Yes, that's it!" The teacher shouted, blocking himself from Kyuren's onslaught of hits. With each hit, the more powerful they become and he was actually being pushed back. Kyuren was about to deliver a kick but he caught it.

The boy cursed and quickly used his other leg to kick the man's knees, making them fall to the floor. Using what remained of his strength, Kyuren pulled himself away while his teacher was stunned and rolled away for some breathing room.

Kyuren breathed in and out heavily, resuming his fighting stance, stating at his downed teacher. This wasn't over...not by a long shot. And he wouldn't have it any other way.

The teacher slowly got on one knees and spit out some blood that had accumulated in his mouth. One of the boy's punches had managed to get passed his blocks and hit him directly in the face.

The boy could pack a punch, that was for sure, and he was improving. Faster than he could've anticipated. But it just meant he had to push the boy even further and even harder. Something he was looking forward to.

"Very nice, boy." He chuckled darkly, getting on his full height. He wiped away some of the blood from his lip and gave a sinister smirk. "But now...we take this seriously."

Instead of feeling dread, Kyuren felt excitement. Pain was nothing to him, he had been beaten to the ground so much and so hard that Kyuren lost count. And if being beaten within an inch of his life over and over again meant he'll become stronger...then so be it.

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