chapter 26

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Chapter XXVI – Unexpected Guests

In one of the church's safe houses in Japan, particularly located somewhere near Kuoh Academy, Irina was tending to Xenovia's injuries.

"Oh, he wasn't kidding. Any more and he would've broken your arm." Irina said in concern about her friend who was sitting on the couch. "But I think he dislocated it. This is gonna hurt. Sorry for this."

With a quick snap of the arm, the chippy girl cracked the bone back into its appropriate place. But it wasn't a painless act because Xenovia gave a small yelp in pain.

"There, all done." Irina smiled before taking a seat.

Xenovia gave her friend a nod in gratitude before relaxing herself on the seat. She couldn't help but wince slightly as her left arm was still sore and her right was still immobile.

How could this have happened to her? Being one of the Holy Sword Users and one of the rare natural born users, she was trained extensively by the best teachers the church had. She also studied under her guardian, Griselda Quarta, one of the strongest exorcists and swordmasters.

Thinking about her made a chill run up Xenovia's spine. Oh Griselda may be sweet and caring but she did not earn her title as one of the strongest the church has to offer by being just that. If she wanted it, she can be your worst nightmare. But Xenovia shook her head to get back on her current predicament.

The Slashing Princess had taken care of the Gremory's knight fairly easy. For all of his talk about being her so-called superior, all he had going for him was his precious speed. He was indeed skilled with his blade, but his hatred towards Excalibur blinded him.

She easily exploited this weakness and defeated him. As skilled and as fast as Kiba was, what he lacked was strength.

And then...he came into the picture. The raven haired teen who basically toyed with her.

At first, she thought that he was another devil but she was honestly surprised that he was a human. Xenovia assumed that he was seduced by the devils and offered him the chance to repent, saying that God would forgive him, as the Great Lord would. But he declined.

After she had bested Kiba, she challenged him to fight her. Kyuren, his name, had been corrupted too much and he was already blinded. Xenovia intended to grant him mercy and deliver him unto the loving arms of God.

She thought that it would be an easy victory. After all, there was no way he could defeat her, a trained Holy Sword User of the church. But she was wrong...oh so wrong.

Every time she thought she was going to land a decisive blow, he his form would suddenly fade away and reappearing somewhere else. Not only that but he also dodged every single one of her attacks with frightening ease even if Xenovia was moving at her full speed.

Then there was that feeling...just as she was going to charge at him again, her instincts suddenly screamed at her to get away...and get away fast. The Slashing Princess had never felt like that from anyone before other than from Griselda.

Unwilling to ignore her instincts, Xenovia had jumped away, breathing heavily. She was getting exhausted at that point and Kyuren looked like he was still fresh and fit to continue!

When asked, he merely replied that he thought about attacking and it would most likely end in her demise, thus making her retreat. It had infuriated her and she charged at him again.

And that was when he made him first move. The raven haired teen attacked the area below her shoulder and the back of it. It stung a little but it would tale more than that to take her out.

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