chapter 6

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Disclaimer: I do not own HighSchool DxD

Chapter VI – Hello, Raynare

"You're kidding me." Kyuren could only stare in disbelief at Saji. It was two days since that little incident in the park and by now, everything had changed.

First and foremost, Issei had become a devil. Turns out Pip really went to town on him and Rias had no choice but to reincarnate him as a devil. Well, that was her original anyway so Kyuren had no qualms with it.

Besides, it's not like the end of the world if that creep was removed from the land of the living.

Second, was that almost everyone in school had no memory of Issei ever having a girlfriend. Kyuren had guessed it was some kind of mind manipulation magic or something and Sona confirmed it.

It was a common ability among devils, angels and fallen angels to have that ability. And Kyuren had to admit, that was a very handy thing to have. Very useful when you have crippling debts you need paying...

Not that he had any, of course.

Third, was that he had begun to hang out with the Student Council every once in a while. Sona had told them about what had happened with the ORC, how he practically decimated a fallen angel with his own two hands, and took three hits from Koneko.

Needless to say, every one of them began to respect Kyuren more. He was already a good guy to begin with, and the council had no trouble with being acquainted with him.

Saji was one of the first to welcome Kyuren as a friend and the two hit it off quite well.

And third, was finding out that every mythology in history was actually true and existed. Well, that was something Kyuren wasn't expecting to hear.

Sure, he was convinced that Christianity was real - all the proof he needed was sitting right in front of him - but the revelation that even the old gods of the past had and still existed to this day?

That was not something Kyuren needed or wanted to hear.

Saji just nodded with a smirk. "Yeah, dude. You heard it right, every mythology on Earth's real."

Kyuren's eyes grew bigger. "You're pulling my leg here." He mumbled out. "I thought that only that Christian thing was real. I never would've thought all the others too."

'Then that means the Hindu, Greek, Shinto, and even the Norse gods were real too.' Kyuren palmed his face with a groan, suddenly remembering something from his days in Norway.

"What's gotten into you?" Saji asked with a raised eyebrow. Seeing the normally calm and collected Kyuren so distressed was quite the sight to see. He wondered just what the hell got Kyuren like this.

"Thanks to you, I owe twenty thousand dollars to a friend of mine!" Kyuren wailed in despair as every pair of eyes in the Student Council room turned to the saddened raven haired boy in confusion.

How did Kyuren owe twenty thousand dollars to someone? It's not like he couldn't afford that amount, just look at where he lives and his damn car! But what the hell did he do?

Curiosity getting the better of her, Tomoe Meguri just had to know. "Uh, okay, I'll bite. What in the hell did you do to owe someone twenty G's in the first place?"

Sona too was curious. She wanted to find out just what Kyuren did to lose such a high amount of money just from finding out that the other mythologies were real.

She watched in utter fascination as Kyuren sulked on the couch. The Sitri heir couldn't believe that someone like him would owe people money, or even make the stupid decision of betting.

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