chapter 16

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Disclaimer: I do not own HighSchool DxD.

Chapter XVI – The Strongest Human

Was Kyuren pissed? Oh no, he wasn't pissed. He wasn't even angry. HE WAS FURIOUS!

The raven haired teen glared at the devils in front of him, his fists clenching and unclenching, barely able to contain his rage. And his fury was justified.

He didn't care who these bastards think they were, YOU DON'T JUST TAKE ANYONE FROM THEIR HOMES ON A DAMN WHIM!

How dare they...all Kyuren wanted was to stay out of this. He wanted nothing to do with them and he made that clear. Now, he was smack dab in the middle of the Underworld of all places. And just as he was about to taste his pastry.

His eyes narrowed dangerously at the devils before him. In his eyes, they deserved no respect as they didn't show him respect.

Sona and everyone else in the chamber felt a chill run up their spine as she stared at her partner in worry. But it wasn't worry for his own well-being, but what he was prepared to do.

Only she, Rias, and their respective peerages knew what he was capable of. What kind of strength he possessed and the Sitri heiress knew that that wasn't even lion's share of his power.

She knew it was futile, but Sona hoped that Kyuren wouldn't do anything rash. 'Please, don't make this more complicated than it is.' This was a very volatile situation and one she didn't want to explode.

In retrospect, she knew that the raven haired teen had the right to be mad. He was brought to the Underworld against his will, and that would put anyone in a bad way.

And she wasn't the only one.

The moment he saw the human appear in the chambers, Claudius thought little of him. He, like many others, didn't want the human here for obvious reasons. It just wasn't right that a human would set foot here, but thanks to the Maou's word, he had no say.

Though that doesn't mean he didn't feel a little pity for the young man. The Sitri Lord didn't know what this Kyuren did to Riser, but there was no real reason to bring him here. The boy had nothing to do with this, there was no need to do this.

Like some devil families, the Sitri clan wanted minimal contact with the human world. Feeling that they should be left alone or, at the very least, keep contact to the bare minimum.

Lord Claudius didn't have anything against humans, but he didn't trust them either. After all, most have stereotyped devils as raving evil entities that wanted nothing more than to cause untold chaos at their leisure.

Well, he couldn't really blame them for thinking that way but he agreed with his daughter. The human did not belong here and had to be sent back. Not because of the ancient laws, but because it was right.

But then, that presence came baring down on them. A dangerous and almost malicious force that slammed into him and almost left the Sitri lord and almost all devils present fall to their knees.

It was astounding and frightening at the same time. He had never felt that kind of fear inducing presence since the Great War...and those were very dark times to be in.

Something wasn't right. This kind of aura can only come from the most fearsome of creatures and beasts. An example would be dragons. But to see and feel it resonating from a human?!

Claudius looked at his daughter and he could see it in her expression. He could see it in her servants' expression, he could see it in Rias and her own servants' expression; hell, he could even see it in the Devil King, Sirzechs Lucifer's expression.

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