chapter 13

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Disclaimer: I do not own HighSchool DxD

Chapter XIII – Making History Part 1

They say that everything is possible, there was no such thing as impossible. Well, that was relatively true considering all the things one must do to make the impossible possible.

Imagination is what fuels progress. When man had imagined something from before, it was immediately considered a myth. Jump forward to a few hundreds or even thousands of years, then that simple imagination becomes a reality.

After all, early man thought that the Earth was flat. It took them a very long time to finally get that right. Man thought that it was impossible to fly. That is, until he managed to do it.

There were a lot of things humans had thought were impossible only to be proven that they were possible.

But there's one thing that shouldn't even be possible, right? Fictions, legends, all of that stuff was just rubbish...or at least, it was until the truth was revealed.

Oh yes, those little legends and myths you were told stories about and in those old books. They were real.

But that's not the point here. The point was, if given enough time and the right circumstances, even the most ridiculous of claims can become reality.

And right now, two individuals were about to make something that started out as fiction...into reality. And if and when they succeed...

They will write history.

Kyuren leaned back on his chair with a sigh after shoving his soldering machine in its proper place. He had been constructing the thruster boots needed for the flight capabilities of the suit.

He was wearing a simple grey shirt and some jogging pants.

At this time, he had completed the inner wirings and circuitry that had taken him a little over five days to accomplish, seven days in total when combined with the boot fabrication that took two more additional days. It took a lot of concentration and steady hands, but he managed to do it.

Fortunately, everything seems to have quieted down in the Academy so he and Sona could focus on their project without any further distractions hopefully.

Smiling to himself, the raven haired teen activated the boots and they opened up just as he wanted them to. He did it again for a few more times, his eyes watching for anything that could cause any mishaps.

Fortunately, nothing seems to be out of order and gave himself a pat on the back for a job well done. These boots were ready for some testing and further calibrations before he could start on the gauntlets.

'Wonder how Sona's doing?' He asked himself before taking a look at his partner over the hologram projectors and consoles. She was working furiously to integrate her new idea into their project.

Doing simulations on how to interface a person's nervous system into the suit.

She was wearing a shirt and a pair of shorts. Besides, what good would it do when her school uniform exposed her thighs. It leaves none to the imagination.

It was just like her own proposal, actually. She gained the idea that if they could interface the armor to the wielder's nervous system, then theoretically the systems could react faster than with simple voice commands.

Kyuren liked the idea, it saves them the work of having to code an assistance program or an AI for just that purpose. He could also see that it was a modified version of her own idea with the prosthetics, but on a grander scale.

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