chapter 30

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Chapter XXIX – Alliance

In an undisclosed location within the Shimajiri Ward of Kuoh, Valper and Freed had finally arrived at the safe house after hightailing it. The two former members of the church were pretty roughed up that's for sure with Freed sustaining the most injuries while the old man just had a few scrapes and bruises.

"Damn! That was a close one, eh old man?" Freed huffed. He was clearly hurting from the ass whooping he just got but that crazed look in his eyes just won't go away. Someone must have been on the head when he was a baby. That or he's just crazy with the latter is the most probable.

"Yes." Valper coughed and dusted himself off. "If we have stayed any longer, I don't think we would've lasted; especially when Michael's pet Joker there." Oh, he remembers Dulio Gesualdo all right. He led a strike team ordered by The Archangel Michael himself to destroy the Holy Sword Project and rescue the surviving children after word got out of what he was really doing.

Valper had to admit, he didn't think Michael had it in him to order such a thing but he really should have known better in hindsight. Even the merciful Michael had his limits Valper suppose.

It was when the deranged Bishop finally made a breakthrough when word got out and he knew he had to get rid of everything including the children. They were nothing but mere lab rats anyway and they had served their purpose. No one would miss them; death was probably a welcome relief for them after what he put them through. They should be grateful he ended their suffering quickly.

Just as he was about to escape the facility, Dulio and his team had arrived and mercilessly cut down Valper's guards and researchers. Valper was lucky to have escaped by the skin of his teeth that night.

After he escaped, he was picked up by Kokabiel and the rest was history. The Fallen Angel wanted a war and all Valper wanted was the Holy Swords. It wasn't that hard to forge an alliance between them and the two joined forces.

Years of planning and preparation led them to this point and they were close to accomplishing their goal but it would seem that they had a small problem. Just moments ago, Valper and Freed had cornered and wounded a young Devil posing as a priest.

It was quite ironic and funny when he looked at it really. The church represented everything the Devils were weak against…and here was one masquerading as a priest. It really lets out the mirth within him.

Nevertheless, what they learned from the Devil boy was…troubling to say the least. It would seem that the Devils had known of their presence and intentions here and had something planned for them. Whatever compelled that idiot boy to tell them that was lost to Valper but it was appreciated but before he and Freed could take them back to 'ask' him properly about this, the rest of his blasted troop came to his rescue.

Regardless, Kokabiel needs to hear this.

"What the hell happened to you two?" A rogue priest asked them as he helped Valper up. "You two went to a party without inviting us?"

Freed laughed maniacally. "You're damn right it was a party! Don't worry though, next time I'm taking you all with me. More fun that way! But for now, ol' Freed needs some rest." To prove his point, the deranged priest cracked his back before limping away.

"That guy really is sick in the head." The rogue priest muttered with a shake of his head.

"Quite but I have to speak with Kokabiel. Where is he?' Valper asked as he needed to tell his benefactor that the Devils and quite possibly the other factions know what they were trying to do.

The rogue priest shrugged. "He's at the back, been here since this afternoon to check things up. Why do you ask?"

Without answering the question, Valper went ahead in search for his benefactor leaving the rogue priest behind. "Wonder what that's all about..?" The priest mumbled to himself before shrugging. Whatever it was, it was probably between the big shots so why the hell would he get involved with that.

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