chapter 23

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Disclaimer: I do not own HighSchool DxD.

Beta'd by: duked

Chapter XXIII – Delicate Matters And Dates


In every religion, there is what we call a place of paradise. A place of timeless harmony, only happiness and beauty beyond comprehension.

For the Christian religion, its Paradise is called Heaven. This is the home of Angels, as well as the former home of the Fallen Angels, and the God of the Bible, before his tragic demise.

As the bible describes, Heaven resembles a place sitting above the clouds with a bright white ceiling high overhead. It is guarded by a large gate, and has a white stone path and stone buildings, which appear to be floating.

Heaven is divided into seven regions, or "Heavens". The "first floor" of Heaven, where the Brave Saints and low level Angels generally reside. This is often regarded as Heaven's first line of defense against an attack.

The second level of Heaven is a place filled with darkness where the Angels observe the stars and where they confine Angels who have sinned.

The third level of Heaven is the home of the souls of the dead who have been taken to Heaven. It is said to be so vast that it's almost immeasurable.

The forth level of Heaven is the sacred Garden of Eden where the legend of Adam and Eve began. This is the place where the Trees of Life and Wisdom reside.

The fifth level of Heaven is the former home of the members of Grigori before they fell. Since then, it has been filled with research institutes where the Brave Saints were created.

The sixth level of Heaven is known as "Zebel". The current core of Heaven where the Seraphs such as Michael and Gabriel reside.

And finally, the seventh level of Heaven is the present location of the Sacred Gear system, and the Biblical God's system, it is also the location where the Biblical God resided within Heaven, before his death.

A bit complicated, don't you think? But let us move on.

With the death of God, the Angels were left without a leader and were in danger of succumbing to sin. Faced with this, God's loyal generals had no other choice but to step up to the task.

The Archangel, Michael, along with Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel stepped up and reorganized what was left of their faction.

It was hard. Without God to operate the system and with more and more people not believing anymore, miracles and exorcisms are not as strong as they once were. But somehow, the Angels managed and continued their duty to protect God's legacy.

But right now, there was trouble brewing.

"Michael, just a few days ago, I have received reports that most of the Holy Swords have been stolen from the Vatican." Uriel said. He was one of the two commanders of their warriors but he specializes in intelligence gathering.

"I see. Do you have any leads?" Michael asked. He is a handsome-looking man with long blonde hair and green eyes and has twelve wings growing from his back, and unlike other Angels whose wings are white, his wings are gold in color, further symbolizing his position as the leader. Also, his eyes are shaped in a perpetually sad manner even when genuinely angered or happy.

At that, Uriel gave a sigh. "It is speculation at best as the angels and priests stationed there are still piecing together what happened. So it could be anyone. I'm expecting an update from them today. Do you think it could be the Devils?"

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