chapter 7

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Disclaimer: I do not own HighSchool DxD

Chapter VII – None Of My Concern

"You're getting better, kid." A man commented with a smirk having blocked a younger version of Kyuren's strike with his forearm. "A lot better."

Kyuren gave a small smile. "What can I say." He said before letting out a battle cry and pushed harder in order to break the man's defense. The strength behind the raven haired boy's push was enough for the elder man to take a step back.

Giving out a push of his own, the man threw Kyuren a few feet away before jumping backwards to create some distance between them.

Righting himself in the air, Kyuren landed on his feet and resumed his fighting stance. "I'm learning from the best." He chuckled as the began circling each other, sizing each other up.

"Hehe, that's true. Now let's see if my old friend really did teach you something."

"Give it your best shot, Sensei."

With that, the two charged at each other at amazing speed with a roar. Their fists clashed together in a deafening boom with so much force that they were thrown back.

Kyuren recovered first and rocketed to his opponent and teacher. The older man recovered and seeing that he had no time to mount a counter attack, crossed his fore arms to block Kyuren's strikes.

Capitalizing quickly, the man delivered two fast jabs aimed at Kyuren's chest and head which connected.

"Ugh!" The raven haired boy recoiled from the blows but he didn't get the luxury of a breather when he was sent back by a roundhouse kick to his stomach.

Kyuren was blown back by the force of the kick but he was able to regain some semblance of control and flipped in the air, his feet digging into the ground.

"Dritt, gotta be more careful." He growled in agitation before he had to roll out of the way from an incoming spiral kick. Acting quickly, Kyuren swept his leg outward and caught his teacher's leg, making him fall.

Seeing an opening, Kyuren went on the offensive but before his fist could make contact, his sensei disappeared from sight and his punch only made a massive crater on the ground.

Cursing under his breath, Kyuren widened his senses to feel out his sensei. He waited for any sign of the man; that man was crafty. Kyuren knew he was still here, he just had to wait for him to make his move.

And he didn't have to wait long.

His instincts, honed and sharpened from the years he spent training with the best of the best, told the raven haired boy that something was coming to his left fast.

Waiting for the last possible moment, Kyuren held up his hand and caught his sensei's punch. Having been stopped so abruptly, the punch created an shockwave that blew away trees and boulders alike for miles.

Kyuren acted quickly and delivered a devastating punch of his own to the man's midsection with equal or even greater strength.

"Gah!" Kyuren's sensei gasped but the boy couldn't afford to be distracted even for a second. Using the window he had created, Kyuren launched his own offensive with a combination aimed towards the body's weak points.

Joints, sides, neck, these were his targets and he exploited them. But before he could get in one more strike, the sensei finally came to and blocked it, following up with a headbutt that found its mark.

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