Chapter One.

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"Don't let those boys hassle you or hit on your or anything." Liam said. I was closest to him, he was like my best friend.

Liam and Shaun were helping me move into my apartment. It was a crappy little studio, but it was close to the stadium, and within my price limit.

"Yeah right. You know I can kick some ass if I need to. Right Shaun?" I said, elbowing him. Shaun had to keep me from many fights growing up. Let's just say I hazed their girlfriends as much they hazed my boyfriends.

"Well if you need us to take care of any of them, you know where to find us." Liam said cracking his knuckles.

"Oh shut up" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm starving and you owe us dinner" Shaun whined, rubbing his stomach.

"Fine. But we're getting cheap bar food." I laughed grabbing my purse and keys, heading for the door.

We walked about a block down the road until we found this really sweet dive bar. We took a seat in a corner booth, and ordered some wings and a couple pitchers of beer.

"Are you nervous for your first day?" Liam asked, taking a drink. He had a very convincing fake ID, and although I do not condone breaking the law, Liam was very responsible A beer here or there didn't really bother me.

"Kind of, but I know what I'm doing. Just because they play for my favorite team doesn't mean anything." I chuckled.

"You are gonna get so starstruck. You're gonna be like 'Oh em gee it's Patrick Sharp and Kaner'" Shaun mocked me, sounding like a Barbie Girl.

"I do not sound like that" I said, smacking him from across the table.

"You will tomorrow" Shaun laughed before downing his beer.

"Oh it's gonna be that kind of night is it?" I laughed before downing my own beer.

"Can you handle being hungover on your first day?" Liam asked, raising his eyebrow at me.

"Who am I, Marcus?" I laughed.

We finished the pitchers, and the food and we were feeling pretty good even though it was going on midnight.

"I want shots." I said, standing up and going up to the bar.

I went up and sat down on one of the barstools and looked at all the options that faced me.

Rum? No. Vodka? Hell no. Tequila? Oh yeah.

"Three tequilas with limes" I ordered when the bartender came over to me.

"Are all those for you?" the guy next to me asked.

I had my beer goggles on so I barely noticed who it was.

"I wish. But my brothers are making me share." I laughed. I was more drunk than I thought. My eyes just wouldn't focus on who was sitting next to me.

"Let me get those for you." the guy offered.

"No thanks. I'm not interested." I smiled.

"Let me buy you one then." He offered again.

"Fine. But make it top shelf. If you're buying."

"Sure." He laughed. A very cute laugh. "Two Patrons with lime please."

The bartender brought over the shots and the stranger paid.

"Here's to you.." I said searching for a name.

"Jon" He said. "And yours?"

"Charlie. " I said tapping my shot with his, and taking the shot with him.

Baby, I'm Worth It. [Jonathan Toews][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now