Chapter Twenty-Eight.

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~Two Months Later~

"Hey Tammy. How are you today?" I said, wincing at the needle of drugs currently going into my arm.

"Made it another day." She said, her voice weak.

"One day at a time." I smiled at her, relaxing into my chair, and getting out my knitting needles and yarn.

"Have you been practicing?" She asked, looking closely at the work I had done since my last session. 

"I have. I think I'm really starting to get the hang of it." I said, focusing on what I was doing. I moved pretty slow, but it didn't look at bad as the work I had done on it before. 

I was making a blanket. How big it was going to be I wasn't sure yet, but I would do it as long as I was in treatment. 

My hair was gone. I had dark bags under my eyes, but I was alive. My surgery went well, and I was undergoing my last stages of treatment. 

They were really optimistic that I was going to be in remission soon. 

I had obviously told Kaner a week after moving home, and he flew straight out to see me. He was there for my surgery, and my first treatment sessions. Nothing like having your best friend for the most painful things you've ever gone through.

Jon and Carrie had started dating, but from the sounds of it, it wasn't going well. I never asked, but he always told me. Everyone had kept their promise to me, and no one told Jon I had cancer. I didn't want his pity. I sent his ring back three weeks after we broke up. It didn't feel good, but I didn't want him to make it harder than it had to be.

"So are you excited to go to your game tonight?" Tammy asked.

"Yeah. I'm gonna be so wiped though." I said, not looking up.

"Enjoy it though. You've been talking about this for awhile." she said. It was the last game they were playing in Pittsburg before the playoffs started, and it was going to be the last game I made it to this year, unless for some crazy reason the Penguins play the Blackhawks in the finals.

"Oh I definitely will." I smiled up at her.

Tammy got done with her treatment before I did, and I spent the rest of my time there on the phone with Kaner.

"We're just gonna go over this one more time, even though I know you want kill me." Kaner said.

"Fine. But only because I'm getting chemo, and throwing my phone across the room isn't exactly an option right now." I sighed.

"You, Liam, and Matthew are going to get really nice seats, not close enough for him to see you, but where I know you will be. Since I know you are going to already be tired from treatment, you are going to be in the wheelchair. Spare me your excuse why you aren't, because you are. I'm staying at your house tonight and tomorrow, and then I'll go home." Kaner said. 

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