Chapter Nine.

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Kaner and I stood there, wrapped in our towels, while Jon sat on the bed, clearly upset. It almost looked like he had been crying.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I said holding the towel tightly around me, sitting next to him on the bed.

"Sara and I are done." Was all he said, before he put his head in his hands.

I looked back at Kaner and gave him the look that said 'we need a minute'.

He made his way to the bathroom, while I wrapped my arm around Jon.

"What happened?" I said rubbing his back.

"I ended it. After what happened tonight, it was clear as day. I told her since we got back together that you were going to be in my life and she had to be okay with it. And tonight showed that she wasn't. So I ended it. It doesn't hurt any less, but I know it'll get better." He said looking up at me.

"I'm sorry." I said laying my head on his shoulder.

"It's okay. Well it's not. But it's gonna be" He said with a small smile. "Now can I ask why you are only wearing a towel?"

"Skinny dipping." I laughed.

"Man, you and Kaner have all the fun." Jon said laughing.

"Hell yeah we do" Kaner said coming out of the bathroom.

"Let me go put some clothes on." I said giggling

"Awwww." Kaner said fake pouting.

"Shut it." I said punching his arm, which was a bad idea because Kaner ripped the towel off me.

I attempted to cover myself as I rushed into the bathroom.

I heard a light knock on the door.

"Fuck off Kaner you dick." I laughed.

"It's Jon. You forgot your clothes out here." He laughed.

I opened the door a little bit, and looked up into Jon's eyes.

"That's a side of you I hadn't seen before." He said with a smile.

"Lucky you then." I said grinning, grabbing the clothes out of his hands and closing the door.

I slipped into my panties, and put on my t-shirt, leaving my bra and pants. I had already decided I was staying in their room, and I certainly wasn't going to wear pants or a bra to bed.

I walked out into their room, and plopped down on Kaner's bed and cuddled up to him.

"Are you wearing pants?" Kaner asked, watching tv.

"No way." I laughed.

Baby, I'm Worth It. [Jonathan Toews][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now