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You would think that three years into marriage that he wouldn't leave the curtains open anymore.

I hated sunlight.

I opened my eyes slowly as I realized I wasn't in my bed, I was on the couch. I must have fallen asleep.

"Shit." I said to myself. I looked around frantically and my heart was racing.

"Jon! Please tell me you're home." I yelled. My voice bouncing off the high ceilings of our new home.

"Yes baby, I am home." He walked in carrying our perfect little boy in one arm, and our perfect little girl in the other.

They had just turned one, and they were wearing mommy out.

"I'm sorry," I said, taking Maddie Mae into my arms, "I was really tired and they were napping in their rooms."

"And that's where they were when daddy came home." he said with a smile before leaning down and giving me a kiss.

After four years of being with him, he still managed to send the butterflies in my stomach off with a kiss or even just a look.

"As much as daddy loves spending time with his favorite kiddos, daddy has to get ready for his game." Jon said before kissing Zachary Patrick on his sweet little head.

Jon helped me get the kids ready in their little jerseys before heading off to the rink.

Having to get ready with toddlers wasn't easy. They loved getting into all mommy's things. But finally I straightened my hair, and put on a little eye make-up. I put on some jeans and one of my favorite Hawks shirts. I loaded the kids up and went to the UC. The guys had just gotten back from a circus trip, so they were all going to want to see the kids, but they were going to be seeing someone really special tonight that I was most excited about.

Once I got there, I put the kids in their double stroller and made my way in.

First we went to the locker room. I let the kids down and opened the door so we could walk in. They just started walking when the guys were on their trip, so it was a surprise to almost everyone when they walked in.

"Holy shit, they're walking!" Shawzie said.

Zac walked over to his uncle Bicks while Maddie went over to her favorite person on this planet, even me, uncle Kaner.

She didn't have to walk too far before he went over and scooped her up.

"She's never going to get better at walking if her uncle Kaner doesn't let her down." I scolded him, but he ignored me.

"Mommy's just mad that you love me more than her." He said, tickling her, making her giggle.

"You got some awesome kiddos there." Coach said, coming up to me.

"It's more Jon than it is me." I said, watching the guys crowding around my kids. I never had to worry about my kids, because they had the best family a kid could ask for.

"You're an incredible mom Charlie. Keep it up." Coach said pulling me in for a quick side hug before retreating back into his office.

"Well I would love to stick around, but I have someone I need to go see." I said, grabbing Zac before he darted past me, and Kaner helped me put the kids back into their stroller.

He always had a hard time letting Maddie go, but he got his hug and kiss he needed before his game, and he strapped her in.

"I'm going on that date tonight." Kaner said, clearly nervous.

Baby, I'm Worth It. [Jonathan Toews][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now