Chapter Twenty-Five.

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I am heartbroken, but proud. I wish we could have went all the way again, but I am proud none the less. I am forever a proud Blackhawks fan, and I hope that the Rangers kill the Kings.


I had been staying in a hotel in Chicago for a couple weeks. I couldn't handle going home, so Liam came to stay with me. It was only a couple days, but being able to deal with this situation with him by my side made it so much easier. 

I hadn't been taking any calls. I knew that I was probably fired, so I didn't bother answering any. 

Jon was so desperately trying to find me, and for that I felt extremely guilty. The only person I wanted to hear from was Kaner, and it was the only person I didn't. 

Bollsy, Shaw, Chaun, Lucy, Sharpie, Crow, and Coach. All called me, texted me, even emailed me. 

I had burned all my bridges, and I didn't know where to go from here. 

Liam kept trying to get me to eat, but I refused. 

He was on his third attempt of the day going and getting food for me, so I laid there alone

I heard a knock on the door, and was annoyed because I knew Liam had forgotten his key again. 

I rolled me eyes, got up, and answered the door. 

"Can you please remember your fucking- coach?" I said.

Coach Q stood in front of me, and I couldn't be more confused.

"Well I don't have a key to remember." he laughed. "Mind if I come in?" 

"I am pretty busy." I lied.

"It'll only take a second." He said, smiling at me and walking in. 

He sat in the chair at the table in the room, and I sat across from him. 

I kept looking down at my hands, because I didn't know how to face him. I felt like such a child. 

"So a lot of people are worried about you. Including the guy that put that pretty ring on your finger." He said pointing to my engagement ring. 

"I know. I just. Can't." I said quietly. 

"Believe it or not, I know what happened." He said, sitting back. 

"Really?" I asked looking at him.

"Yes. I do. And I actually know why." he informed me. 

My eyes brightened up, and he continued.

"Jessie got it into Kaner's head that when she talked to Jon, he said you were both tired of him being there, and you just wanted to have the apartment to yourselfs. Some shit like that. She said some more things, but I don't want to upset you even more with that. Long story short Kaner was hurt, and he took it out on you. No one thinks that you cause any problems. You have been one of the best things to happen to these guys on and off the ice. They're happier, excited, and better people. And that all started when you came into our lives. You're more than just a trainer. You're part of our team. And our family. The way those boys talk about you. How many times I have to tell them to focus on practice or a game, because they're too busy laughing about something you guys did, or what you're about to do. They love you. Everyone. And they want their trainer back, and their sister. It's up to you. I can give you more time, but in the end it's your choice. You will always have a job with us."

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