Chapter Twenty-Four.

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Jessie kept trying to explain what happened, but Kaner wouldn't give her the time of day. Anyone who knows Jon, Kaner, or I know what our relationship is. It's not normal, and most people don't get it. But we care about each other, and the last thing Jon would do would be cheat on me with Kaner's girlfriend. I knew that she was pissed, but Kaner already moved past her. 

Her pathetic attempts were just that, pathetic.

"I'm sorry baby. I was too drunk, I thought it was you." 

"She told me to do it so she could be closer to you, because she loves you and she threatened me." 

"I fell on his lap." 

All her excuses were laughable, but she thought they were convincing. The poor thing thought she was on her way back into his life, and she was so wrong. 

The bad part was, Kaner was really hurt by it. He tried not to show it, but he wasn't being himself and I hated that. He rarely left his room except for practice or a game. It was heartbreaking. All I wanted was for my best friend to be happy. I wanted double dates and to be friends with his girlfriend. It was upsetting to think that he was possibly giving up on finding someone right now. 

"Hey Kaner, want to go grab a drink before we leave for the airport?" I asked, walking into his room one night. 

We were flying out to New York tonight, for an early Sunday game. 

"No. I want going to take a nap before we left." Kaner said, his face buried in a pillow.

"You've been sleeping all day." I pouted.

"Well I'm tired." He said, getting ouchy. 

"Please Kaner? I miss you. I haven't seen you all week." I said sweetly. 

"Fine. But I might not even drink." He said, getting up.

"I never said you had to." I said quietly. 

Since my dad died, I had been much more of a pushover. It definitely wasn't something I was proud of, I just felt so much more defeated. Some days were the worst days of my life because I missed him so much. Knowing that I couldn't just pick up the phone was incredibly hard, so I leaned on my family. Everyone was incredibly supportive of everything I did. If I just wanted to lay in bed and cry, they wouldn't stop me. 

I just wanted to be there for him, and he wouldn't let me. It seemed unfair. 

Jon was doing stuff before we left, and we were just meeting at the airport. I grabbed my overnight bag, and loaded up my truck, and Kaner brought his stuff down. 

We made our way to one of Kaner's favorite restaurants. Once we were there, we went and sat in the bar, and ordered a couple drinks and some lunch.

"I miss you Kaner. What's been going on with you?" I asked, sipping on my vodka and lemonade. 

"I've just needed some time to myself." He said shortly. He looked down into his drink, not even bothering to meet my eyes. He just looked so defeated. 

"You know you always have me Kaner. If you just want to rant. I won't even say anything. You can just talk my ear off." I said. 

I wanted my best friend back. My partner in crime. We always had fun, ever since I met him. He had been the one person I could go to to cheer me up, and to see him like this really hurt me. I just wanted to fix him and I didn't know how. 

"I know. I just need alone time. I did need to tell you something though." He said, still staring at his drink. 

"What's that?" I asked.

"I'm moving out of the apartment." He said finally meeting my eyes. 

My throat tightened, as the feeling of tears immediately came. 

"What? Why?" I asked, trying to hold my tears in. 

"As much as I love being around you and Tazer, it's too much at times, and I think it's time I had something for just me." He explained.

I knew it was bullshit though. It was his idea in the first place to have me move in, and a few months later he can't handle it? 

"What is this about? Did Jessie say something to you?" I questioned. The sadness turned to anger, because I knew he was lying to me. 

"No. I've been feeling this way for awhile." Kaner said, no longer looking at me.

"Bullshit. If you're going to lie to me, fine. But this isn't the Kaner I know." I said, barely holding back my tears.

"Who says you even know me? You haven't even known me for that long. Same with your fiancé there." He said. 

"What the fuck is your problem? What did I do to you?" I asked. I was turning red, and my eyes hurt from holding back the tears. But I refused to look weak. 

"Ever since you came into our lives, nothing but bad shit has happened. I don't want to take on your problems forever. Don't you have a family for that?" He said, before standing up and walking out. 

I sat there in shock. The tears finally falling freely. The person who I loved as much as my own brothers, just walked out on me. I trusted him. I told him things I never told anyone. 

I wanted to call my dad, but I couldn't. I didn't want to call Jon because I didn't want to know if he felt any of the things that Kaner just said. I hadn't felt so alone in all of my life. 

I composed myself enough to pay our bill. We didn't eat any of our food, and our drinks were practically full, but I didn't want any of it. 

I walked out to my truck, and Kaner's things were gone. I didn't know what I needed or what to do.

"Hey Coach?" I said as he answered the call. "I'm not going to be able to make it on this trip. And I don't know when or if I'll be coming back at all." I said. My voice was completely void of emotion.

"Charlie what's wrong? Why wouldn't you come back?" Coach asked, sounding incredibly concerned.

"I just...can't" I said, the tears starting to fall again, and I hung up the phone. 

Baby, I'm Worth It. [Jonathan Toews][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now