Chapter Eight.

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Jon and I had been working on things. It was a little awkward, because we couldn't do the coupley things we had done before, but we tried. I hung out with the boys when I could, but took some days for myself. We had been working on things for a week, going on a couple trips. On the plane ride back Kaner told me we were gonna finally get to play together.

"But I don't have my equipment." I explained.

"Do you have your skates?"Kaner asked knowingly. He had been to my apartment, and seen my skates.

"Yes." I said obviously.

"Well then I got the rest covered. Tomorrow, We play." Kaner said with a smile.

I wanted to play, but I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of the Blackhawks.

Sure enough the next day, I showed up to the United Center, and Kaner had some equipment for me. I went into the locker room, and changed with the rest of the guys. Most of them had seen me in my bathing suit, so what was the difference. We all dressed, and headed out to the ice. We did some warm up laps, made teams and made the rules clear.

Full checks allowed. Nothing dirty of course. I was on a team with Kaner, Bollig, Keith, and Seabs. The other team was Jon, Krugs, Oduya, and Sharpie. We had Emery, and they had Crawford.

I took the faceoff against Jon, and of course he won. They skated up the ice, as I covered Jon. It was almost a joke, because they all seemed like giants on skates, and I was tiny. Kaner came up and took the puck from Jon, and skated up the ice. I skated hard, as Kaner dumped it into the zone. I skated towards the puck, racing Krugs the whole way. I won, but he leveled me into the boards. It was a clean hit, hard, but clean. The play headed the other way, but I was slow to get up.

"You okay Charlie?" Crawford said skating over to me.

"Yeah. Good hit huh?" I laughed as I skated towards the play. Kaner saw that I was open, and passed the puck up to me as I was on a breakaway. I deked out Corey, for a top shelf wrist shot. My team came over and celebrated with me. Kaner gave me a little pat on the butt, and I punched him in the arm.

We skated back over to the faceoff, and this time I won!

Maybe I wasn't going to embarrass myself. I passed the puck over to Bollig, and we headed to our end. After a couple shots on goal, we were headed on the defense. I covered Krug, and sent him into the boards. Might have been a little revenge shot.

Apparently he didn't like that because he got up, and hacked my leg, sending me to the ground. Um ouch.

I got up, and immediately limped on my leg.

"Dude what the fuck?" Bollig came over, and shoved Krugs.

"She started it with that dirty hit." Krugs shoved back.

The boys exchanged words, as Jon came and checked on me.

"You okay?" Jon said helping me take some weight off my leg.

"Yeah it's fine." I said flinching as I put weight on it.

"We're done. Game over" Jon said trying to take me to the bench.

"No it's fine. I want to play. I'm not gonna let you make me give up that easily." I said skating away. Biting my lip to hide the pain.

The boys had broken up, and we resumed the game. I scored one more time, Kaner had a couple of goals, but we ended up losing. Krugs scoring the game winner, which sucked even worse. The rest of the guys headed to the locker room, while I sat on the bench admiring Kaner's sick skills. He was practicing/showing off his puck handling skills, and I was mesmerized.

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