Chapter Thirty-Four.

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I took a deep breath before walking in. I had went and changed into my uniform, my beanie covering my ever-growing stubble. 

Everyone was in their own conversations. There were people laughing and joking around, coaches were going over strategy, and everything was just the way I had left it.

"Charlie!" Sharpie yelled from his seat. He was sitting at a table with Hoss, Bicks, and Shaw, but he got the attention of the whole room. 

Everyone was saying hey, and a few people got up and gave me hugs. I went and got a small plate of food and a water, and went and sat down with Sharpie, because Kaner was sitting with Jon. 

"So I see you're back." Sharpie said, nudging me with his elbow. 

"Yes I am. I am the new head trainer." I said casually, but Sharpie quickly looked over at me with a huge smile on his face.

"No way. That's awesome Charlie!" he said, and I blushed. 

"Yeah. So I'm going to be behind the bench from now on." I smiled at him.

"Charlie that's amazing. How are you feeling?" He asked, more serious. 

"A lot better. I have my days, but I'm doing so much better." I nodded.

I could feel eyes on me, and I knew it was him. All I wanted was to run over there and just finally be with him again. But I was stronger now, and I wasn't going to give into him that easily. 

Once team dinner was over, I returned to my office to call the boys about the good news. Well it was mostly good news. I was starting my new job, but I was leaving them again. 

Liam took it the hardest. Said he couldn't protect me if I wasn't at home. But I was an adult, and I didn't need protecting. I had made my choice, and Chicago was my home. This is where I needed to be, and if I wanted to live my life and be happy, I could only do it from here. They promised to send my stuff as soon as they could, and I knew Kaner would help me with anything I needed. Everything was falling into place, and it was all thanks to Zach. 

I walked towards the visitors locker room and asked to see Zach.

"Hey beautiful. How did everything go?" He said, taking me into a hug.

"Better than expected. I got a promotion, raise, and I'm moving back in with Kaner. I couldn't be happier right now." I smiled up at him.

"Well you could, but you're on the right track." He winked.

"I just wanted to say thank you. You've changed my life over these past few days, and I can't even tell you how much I appreciate everything you've done for me. Thank you." I said with as much passion as I felt. 

"Charlie, you are the most incredible person I think I've ever met. Even though I know we could never be, just know that I love who you are as a person, and don't let anyone change you. You're perfect and anyone who can't see that isn't worth your time." He said taking my hands.

Baby, I'm Worth It. [Jonathan Toews][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now