Chapter Twenty-Three.

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After a minute, the anger kicked in, and I was going to give that bitch a piece of my mind. 

I walked purposefully towards them, but before I could get there, Bollig pulled me back.

"No, no, no. You do NOT want to do this right now Charlie. Trust me." he said, putting his arm abounding me, and holding me.

"She needs to get the fuck off my fiancé right fucking now." I said, trying to get over to where they were.

"Right now, your fiancé's mind is so fucked up by alcohol, for all he knows there's a dog on his lap. This could ruin things with you and Kaner, and for the love of God Jon only has eyes for you. So take a shot, have a drink, and stay the fuck way from them." He said, letting go of me. 

"Can you get her off him then." I said, picking up a bottle of tequila, and taking more than just a shot's worth. 

Brandon went over, pulled Jon up, so that Jessie fell onto the floor, and gave Bollig a dirty look.

"Get the fuck over it." Bollig said, getting right in her face. 

He brought Jon over to me, and sat him down on the coach.

"Charlie, I thought you were over there. How'd you get over here so fast." He slurred.

"See? He thought it was you." Bollig said.

"Charlie. I love you." He held my hand.

"I love you too." I said, sitting next to him.

"What's wrong babe?" he said, sobering up slightly.

"We'll talk about it when we're both not wasted." I smiled slightly at him.

He kissed me, and everything else melted away. I really needed to give him more credit. 

Jessie stayed away the rest of the night, but I felt like I couldn't even talk to Kaner. I had to let him know what happened. 

"Hey. What was I saying when I was on your lap?" I asked Jon.

"That all you wanted to do was go home with me, and we were finally gonna consummate our relationship. But I wasn't gonna let you do that because I know you want to wait. It was really confusing." Jon said, letting his eyes close. 

"That bitch!!" I screamed. 

I saw here sitting there with Kaner, but glancing over to Jon every once in awhile. She was only using Kaner, to get to Jon. I wasn't even mad about her wanting Jon, because I couldn't blame her. My fiancé was an amazing gorgeous, sweet, polite, athletic person, and I was lucky enough to be the one that he picked to spend the rest of his life with. 

But Kaner was my best friend. He was there for me through everything, and never just let me deal with it on my own. The thought of someone using him, someone he said he really liked, killed me. 

Baby, I'm Worth It. [Jonathan Toews][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now